
Member since 07/25/2006

Location: New Zealand


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Lambda expression to convert an array.
0 1238 posted 12 years ago by rengber
Again, A-B-C. All the Behaviour garbage that "Add Service Reference" inserts for the TCP binding is unnecessary, especially if the Operation Contract is only for simple value types.
0 949 posted 12 years ago by rengber
ABC - Address Binding Contract Note that the Service Name and Contract must match a real live type (case Sensitive) Binding name is also case sensitive.
0 952 posted 12 years ago by rengber
I am forever forgetting this. Have to look up the 101 vs 103 in books online every time. Also forget which way around is US/NZ format. :-)
1 1000 posted 15 years ago by rengber
Dead simple, but often forgotten.
1 910 posted 15 years ago by rengber
Useful in cases where the object author has specified their own serialization that doesn't work for you.
1 1014 posted 15 years ago by rengber
Definitely falls into the category of "simple thing I shoulda memorized years ago", but whatever:
0 812 posted 15 years ago by rengber
From StackOverflow. I'm still not quite happy with my understanding of it, but it looks an order of magnitude more elegant than most I've found.
0 887 posted 15 years ago by rengber
Stupidly simple -- just one pitfall: class to be bound must have Get/Set methods for reflection to discover. Which is annoying when it comes to client side classes auto generated from WSDL.
0 944 posted 15 years ago by rengber
Say that you have a collection of objects empty but for IDs. You want to do a foreach loop through those objects and lookup detail one at a time. Unfortunately, in the foreach, you can't replace the references, you can only copy the new detail...
1 1124 posted 15 years ago by rengber
This is stupidly simple, but I always forget it.
1 945 posted 15 years ago by rengber
This as it sits isn't an improvement on what happens by default. It's only useful combined with a compensating transaction or sad path in the catch block, or in allowing a loop to continue.
0 887 posted 15 years ago by rengber
Minimal syntax for cursor use. See URL for SQL 2005 options and improvements.
0 960 posted 15 years ago by rengber
Found this in some code I've been maintaining/expanding. Quite clever. Picture an array of bytes in binary 00000111 11100000 00000000 00000000 Now picture an Int32 in Binary 00000000000000000000000000000000 To grab a Little Endian I...
0 1809 posted 15 years ago by rengber
Should work for image/gif as well. Allegedly not supported by IE
0 1440 posted 16 years ago by rengber
1 754 posted 16 years ago by rengber
From 4 Guys from Rolla
1 839 posted 16 years ago by rengber
Shows the browser that an RSS feed is available for a page.
2 926 posted 16 years ago by rengber
Pretty intuitive, might be an easier/simpler way.
0 911 posted 16 years ago by rengber
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