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Hello Guys, This short ASP.NET code snippet is intended to provide you a brief review on how to add SMS functionality to your website. You will see, this is a very simple but smart solution. This ASP.NET application is able to send messages by usi...
0 1443 posted 10 years ago by Gupta86
To select a US State from a form.
1 1227 posted 10 years ago by windmarble
Todays dates are shown as hh:mm, dates from yesterday and earlier as dd mmm. This can be useful, since recent dates are showing more details
0 1193 posted 11 years ago by lakkie
For example, in a button, in OnClientClick method, pass parameters for a javascript method.
0 2010 posted 11 years ago by keidash
Como añadir el formator para dd/mm/yyyy + hora
0 1282 posted 11 years ago by keidash
A function and if statement to detect whether or not the browser is a mobile device.
0 1927 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
Request the current page name relative to the home directory of the server.
0 954 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
In the examples, below, Step1 is the id given to the element. If the element is set to runat="server", when it is rendered on the page, the id will change dynamically to something like ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$Step1. But the actual value may change. To...
0 1311 posted 12 years ago by rumremix
Both ASP and Javascript versions provided below. Use either one or the other. Code should be placed in a SharePoint 2010 master page.
0 1087 posted 13 years ago by rumremix
Wanna lose the time portion of the date something was created in a smart search result!?!?
0 946 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
The usual way to resolve a url file path doesn't work with JWPlayer. You'll need a different one because the "+" in ... ?guid="+ Eval("fieldName"))%> will throw an error...
0 976 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
You don't modify the CMSDesk in order to display only the date or only the time. You do it through the aspx control. http://authors.aspalliance.com/aspxtreme/sys/globalization/demos/DateTimeFormatInfoGetAllDateTimePatterns.aspx
0 1125 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
"This was a requirement that the client had because there were differences in how various browsers were displaying the same PDFs. By setting the "Content-Disposition" header to "attachment" it forces the user to download the file. I thought this was...
0 1032 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
When submitting a bizform in Kentico it has some crappy default message. Change them in this file.
0 963 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
If you obtain this error using WCF, IIS7, LINQ to SQL on Windows 7, read this thread: http://www.codetoday.net/default.aspx?g=posts&t=1595
0 1007 posted 13 years ago by derebus
0 880 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
This will get the file path for something. Typically used with a cms:CMSRepeater
0 1103 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
this will disable a button after the first click, but will continue to do its original postback. Note: if it has a custom css class, then the button will still appear clickable, with the exception that the text of the button gets the slight disabled...
0 1118 posted 14 years ago by pjobson
0 894 posted 14 years ago by mbbrennan
This function return a string with all the post parameters and their values.
1 900 posted 14 years ago by sikwan
This function return the current Url, including the Get parameters.
1 915 posted 14 years ago by sikwan
I use this action code with http://valums.com/ajax-upload/ to handle the upload from any browser.
0 1009 posted 14 years ago by jink
gets you a date string for today in YearMonthDay formant like this 20100917
0 978 posted 14 years ago by jlvallelonga
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