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This script show/hide the hidden files and folders in your Mac OS X. It works in OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, but I think it should work in 10.6 and 10.7, too.
0 1222 posted 11 years ago by cappellin
Hide and show files in MacOSX
0 1076 posted 12 years ago by vaishnavi
This Applescript take the selected file in Finder and open it with Sublime Text 2 (~/bin/subl). Using Alfred you can bind a global hotkey for this script, so you can edit your files with just a keypress, without worrying about the default editor.
0 1343 posted 13 years ago by bash
This Applescript take the selected file in Finder and open it with Sublime Text 2 (~/bin/subl). Using Alfred you can bind a global hotkey for this script, so you can edit your files with just a keypress, without worrying about the default editor.
0 1159 posted 13 years ago by bash
Replace TRUE with FALSE if you want to hide the hidden files again.
0 1147 posted 13 years ago by shuchii
0 964 posted 13 years ago by wraydc
Use from the directory you want to strip .svn folders from. This will run through all child folders and recursively remove any .svn folder.
0 986 posted 13 years ago by janlodey
Use this script in Automator, and make a Service of it. Then give the service a shortcut in System Preferences -> Keyboard In the script you have to switch the "SETT_INN_API-KODE_FRA_PROWL_HER" with a Prowl API code (https://www.prowlapp.com/api_s...
0 1050 posted 13 years ago by Macgeeky
only handles one sublevel for the menu
0 1352 posted 14 years ago by brandonjp
0 941 posted 14 years ago by Macgeeky
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