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This code shows how not only to create a text file onto the local computer desktop, but also how to post the contents of a 'text box' object into the file.
0 1110 posted 9 years ago by SinVerguenzaGames
In this script you also removing unused listener.
0 1023 posted 10 years ago by TheRabbitFlash
This script allow you copy to the clipboard current layer properties in format: &selectionBounds.x = &layerx; &selectionBounds.y = &layery; // &selectionBounds.width = &layerwidth; // &selectionBounds.height = &layerheight;
0 1539 posted 10 years ago by TheRabbitFlash
This script allow you copy to the clipboard current layer properties in format: &layer_name.x = &layer_x; &layer_name.y = &layer_y; // &layer_name.width = &layer_width; // &layer_name.height = &layer_height;
0 1181 posted 10 years ago by TheRabbitFlash
Allows for EXIT function on mobile device via mobile device BACK key button.
0 1225 posted 10 years ago by RiveraEraGames
File > Settings... > File and Code Templates
0 1080 posted 11 years ago by hejaaa
A simple utility class that will help you convert a color value (from numbers) to hexadecimal color value.
0 1216 posted 11 years ago by vamapaull
Just a simple example script for populating a bunch of MapMarker objects on a Map using the distriqt NativeMaps ANE
0 1119 posted 11 years ago by koriner
A complete example of how we can create a Preloader in actionscript3 to load an external .swf file. STRUCTURE ------------------ Source Swf |_ Main.fla |_ Main.as |_ Main.swf Preloader Swf |_
0 1220 posted 12 years ago by jquery404
Credit for this goes to Adobe, Ric Ewing, Kevin Williams, Aden Forshaw and Sidney de Koning.
0 2075 posted 12 years ago by adrianparr
This function returns the trimmed bounding box of a bitmap which contains all non-transparent pixel which color values are higher than the specified treshold (default 0xFF333333 in ARGB notation).
0 1101 posted 12 years ago by tinytiger
Algunas veces se quiere comprobar si un numero esta entre un rango de otro número menor y otro mayor.
0 917 posted 12 years ago by fenixkim
Credit goes to Bruno Imbrizi.
0 1275 posted 12 years ago by adrianparr
Credit goes to Bruno Imbrizi.
0 1569 posted 12 years ago by adrianparr
Removes duplicating elements from Array, containing only objects of Point class
0 1022 posted 13 years ago by romech
Easily breaks a string into an array of words. *If your string has special characters such as latin, add those characters to the r var. Just like var r:RegExp = /[^\wçàáâãèéêìíîòóôõùúûüÀÁÇÂÃÈÉÊÌÍÎÒÓÔÕÙÚÛÜ¡]+/...
0 1569 posted 13 years ago by izaiasdotcom
Sorts an array of objects using the native sortOn method
0 1277 posted 13 years ago by Narayon
I’m sharing with you a little utility that I find myself using a lot lately. This utility is a value convertor that you can use in those times when you need to make a volume slider or something similar where you’ll need to change a value and a va...
0 1340 posted 13 years ago by vamapaull
Recently I needed to capture a JSON feed of the top artists from Last.fm. The script makes a request for a JSON response which I later treat as a dictionary object. You'll probably need to sign up for an API Key before using this script
0 1167 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
a handy class to manage facebook connections using as3
0 1253 posted 13 years ago by Matias
Hi; Sometimes you need to "trim" textifield for specific height... This solves just this, perfect for news, news-readers, rss etc
1 1289 posted 13 years ago by burnandbass
If you want to tween an object relatively, but the new value changes and needs to be a variable, just cast it as a string.
0 1218 posted 13 years ago by yannxou
Validate Birth day.
1 1004 posted 13 years ago by steppannws
TimedText (TT) XML captions files can have namespaces that cause problems when parsing them in AS3. To get around this you can use this code to remove the namespace from the root XML node using Regex. This example uses
0 1154 posted 13 years ago by adrianparr
Linebreaks differ between Flash TextField and a plain text file like Notepad. In this example we convert the html linebreaks in Flash to \r\n
0 1545 posted 13 years ago by adrianparr
It's very useful if you build a FLV player for example, and want to convert the time into minutes:seconds (example: 6:13) //apply it to your project like this (and don't forget to import the class): time.text = TimeUtil.getTimecode(timeValue);
0 1099 posted 13 years ago by vamapaull
simple as3 class that help you to avoid repeat add MouseEvent each time
0 1110 posted 13 years ago by mgraph
Retrieve remote image from an URL and store it locally. Use this class for managing offline mode.
2 1603 posted 13 years ago by spawnrider
An easy way to detect shakes on mobile devices with equipped accelerometer.
0 1189 posted 13 years ago by vamapaull
Class version of TimelineManipulation.
0 1012 posted 13 years ago by okhy
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