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example de structure html élémentaire
1 13672 posted 5 years ago by ogrebattle
With this snippet you will have the ability to display the `<DOCTYPE>` while sending the correct headers with support for content type negotiation. It also will correct itself for the W3C validator which does not send the correct Accept header for...
0 12704 posted 5 years ago by daemondevin
Augmented Reality in HTML
0 6924 posted 5 years ago by freediver
To send data into iFrame you don't need JavaScript or anything. You just have the form's target attribute match the iframe's name attribute. The outer page doesn't even reload. Copy this code and test it.
0 2126 posted 7 years ago by apphp-snippets
TD Style to match rest of newsletter theme
0 1382 posted 8 years ago by baks9
Learn how to build simple css horizontal list menu.
0 1337 posted 9 years ago by codingforever99
Removing extensions and trailing slashes in web urls: "If you want to remove the .html extension from a html file for example yoursite.com/wallpaper.html to yoursite.com/wallpaper you simply have to alter the last line from the code above to match...
0 1173 posted 9 years ago by jefferis
This rewrite will not work on WordPress. It forces .htm and .html files that no longer exist to go to the new .php versions of the pages.
0 1476 posted 9 years ago by jefferis
Display the google chrome bookmarks to html and then save to database.
1 1864 posted 9 years ago by Gauravwagh11
Se puede escribir código HTML sin problema insertando además las variables php que se necesiten dentro del propio "relleno"
0 1319 posted 9 years ago by tionazo
The key to making it work is the event listener that get added using the DOM method that binds it to the mousemove event and declares the event handler. Most event can be bound to a handler this way.
0 1094 posted 9 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
A simple transition from a linear gradient to a radial gradient can be made very dramatic by including a color change transition. One of 10 effects presented.
0 1145 posted 9 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
The base rotation can be in three different planes; though as we will see later combinations can make it look like we rotate through many perceived planes. In the examples below instead of rotate we specify the plane by using rotateZ (The default we...
0 1284 posted 9 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
Simple script to send SMS throught our HTTP API (Afilnet) with PHP. Steps: 1.- Register in Afilnet. http://www.afilnet.com/anunciante/registrar.php 2.- Login and get credits (10 free) to send SMS 3.- Use this script or html form example include in...
1 1167 posted 10 years ago by Afilnet
This is the basic html structure for a Banner.
0 1405 posted 10 years ago by RodolfoMiranda
Contact Form in HTML - without CSS - html 4 compatibility
0 1388 posted 10 years ago by lpiaitdepok
Use PHP's DOM parser to convert a table into plain text (including links with images)
0 1850 posted 10 years ago by nigelnquande
This function takes HTML input and converts it to plain text. It needs improvement so that it converts multiple blank lines to a single blank line and converts an &lt;a ... &gt; link to the markup equivalent (same for images). It should be rewritten...
0 1263 posted 10 years ago by nigelnquande
0 2213 posted 10 years ago by chrisaiv
two properties: * counter-reset * counter-increment This example shows a way to number chapters and sections with "Chapter 1", "1.1", "1.2", etc.
0 985 posted 10 years ago by ngocviet
This quick-start xhtml is fixed with * `content`: zh-CN(simplified chinese) * `charset`: utf8 **Strongly recommend** Codes typed into a text file encoding with utf8 Before you applied xhtml codes, all you need to do is to repla...
1 1172 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
Méthode n'autorisant que les nombres (positifs/négatifs/décimaux avec virgules ou points) dans un champ
0 1146 posted 10 years ago by Igeco
N'autorise que les chiffres (avec , ou . ou négatifs) dans un input
0 1085 posted 10 years ago by sebabarre
Sollen bei den Eingabefeldern in we:userinput automatisch das aktuelle Datum angezeigt werden ist es notwendig, den WE-Tag userinput als HTML-Formular zu schreiben. Wichtig ist dabei, dass die feldnamen nicht verändert werden, damit die Eingabe durc...
0 1063 posted 10 years ago by ulfinger
Die Liste muss vor der Verwendung noch aktualisiert werden!
0 1106 posted 10 years ago by ulfinger
Stand: 2011. Abhängige Gebiete (vor allem Inselterritorien) sind aus der Liste entfernt; Die Ländernamen wurden nach Möglichkeit in der Kurzfassung verwendet.
0 1148 posted 10 years ago by ulfinger
The favicon is much normality in our days. Here the "apple-touch-icon" definition which is used when you save a bookmark to your home screen on an apple touch devices such as an iPad or iPhone. The interesting thing is that Android also supports its...
0 1196 posted 10 years ago by apphp-snippets
Code to replace your opening <html> tag with conditionally set IE classes, including IE10.
1 1298 posted 10 years ago by Japegrape
This technical tip shows how to load any existing email message and modify its contents before saving it back to disk using Aspose.Email for Android API. To do this successfully, specify the MessageFormat when loading the email message from disk. In...
0 1429 posted 10 years ago by johansonkatherine
This code sample shows how Ruby developers can create PDF file from HTML using Aspose.Pdf for Cloud API in their REST applications.
0 1777 posted 10 years ago by johansonkatherine
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