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Show the output of a query in a more readable vertical format
0 1280 posted 8 years ago by rm1984
try to with mysqli_*
0 1108 posted 9 years ago by smagic39
I have been trying to solve my problems on stackoverflow, but none seems to help. Hopefully someone here could help me.
0 1409 posted 9 years ago by raymondeu
example of php code I worked on
0 1104 posted 9 years ago by johnschneider
I thought I share this code snippet because I find this way of SMS sending an easy solution. I believe that even beginners can implement this VB.NET SQL SMS application, but I think some extent of perfection in the SMS technology is required for bett...
0 1622 posted 10 years ago by LoganTurn
This is a common model used to run some common functions like CRUD functions, get reference data from table, check for dependencies etc. So in other model, we don't have to add those function repeatedly
0 1237 posted 10 years ago by invtr
search database for column names http://vyaskn.tripod.com/sql_server_search_and_replace.htm EXEC SearchAllTables 'Computer' GO
0 929 posted 10 years ago by kat
search database for column names
0 941 posted 10 years ago by kat
Add the code below to change the Home & Site URL that is configured in the database (wp-options table) by WordPress. Whenever you copy/move a site to a new hosting and the URL has changed you can use the code below to fix any strange redirects that m...
0 1052 posted 10 years ago by 108Bits
CakePHP - Acesso a Dois Bancos de Dados
0 993 posted 10 years ago by temistoclesarea
Sets up the database for my project management software (in development - C#)
0 1167 posted 10 years ago by JordanRowles
This is a very simple snippet about how to create a database 1st, a user and then assign some privileges to the user to allow him/her to perform some specific actions like insert, create, update, select etc.
0 1149 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
lists sheets without opening the file
0 896 posted 12 years ago by lolrenx
A basic database made in Java. It resembles a mobile phone contacts activity in which user is prompted to introduce some data of new contacts.
0 989 posted 12 years ago by eiger824
How to find a given column in a given database in MySQL
1 1024 posted 12 years ago by philsown
Simple Class Connection for use in C# Code. Methods: - ReturnDataTable(string strQueryCommand) - ReturnDataSet(string strQueryCommand) - ExecuteQuery(string strQueryCommand) - ReturnDataReader(string strQueryCommand)
1 1079 posted 12 years ago by rodrigoallves
You could start a transaction before running your queries and then rollback after running them. Note that to do this you'll require InnoDB or XtraDb tables (won't work on MyISAM).
0 1093 posted 12 years ago by satie83
0 1047 posted 12 years ago by scrapy
Connect to and query a db2 database using php.
0 943 posted 12 years ago by zombree
1 1102 posted 12 years ago by paul0078
0 968 posted 12 years ago by paul0078
0 1071 posted 12 years ago by paul0078
Author: J. van Hemert Fixes encoding when utf-8-encoded data is stored in tables with other (e.g. latin_swedish_ci) encoding. Will convert all columns in all tables to utf8_general_ci.
0 1115 posted 12 years ago by sjasliek
A bash command to empty a database table.
1 1040 posted 13 years ago by ModServ
Sometimes a legacy database will have HTML entities stored in it. This function converts them. Note that this function assumes you have a database abstraction layer, and may need to be modified to connect to YOUR database.
0 2428 posted 13 years ago by f6design
That's something quick. A basic php class to manage properly a database. Thanks to magic methods opening a database is almost automatic.
1 1095 posted 13 years ago by claudiowebdesign
1 1199 posted 13 years ago by jose_506
0 1027 posted 13 years ago by jamepaul
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