
Member since 06/17/2007


Location: Berlin/Germany

43 snippets

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4 981 posted 17 years ago by zingo
You can generate a simple bar chart of the values by executing this command...
0 902 posted 17 years ago by zingo
A database table is basically an array of dictionary objects. As long as all the fields are valid property list types, you can loop through the array creating a managed object for each dictionary and setting the values. If you have an array con...
2 953 posted 17 years ago by zingo
If you set the NSObjCMessageLoggingEnabled environment variable to "YES", the Objective-C runtime will log all dispatched Objective-C messages to a file named /tmp/msgSends-.
0 800 posted 17 years ago by zingo
Prints content from an NSError or NSArray content from a managedObjectContext.
0 946 posted 17 years ago by zingo
List the current version and installation date of every application on a OS X system, using of Spotlight.
1 697 posted 17 years ago by zingo
displays sourcecode in a nice notebox on blog pages. uses with a class.
0 796 posted 17 years ago by zingo
Using a gcc predefined macro, __DATE__, the code can know for itself when it was compiled, and build in an expiration date based on that value. For a internationalised version see: http://snipplr.com/view/7196/kill-app-after-expire-date-suicidal-c...
1 1196 posted 17 years ago by zingo
for .bashrc, a function that cd's to a directory and lists the contents it takes ls arguments and a directory. for example, cl goes to home dir and lists contents. cl -l goes to ~/ and long lists contents. and cl -lrt public_html shows the contents o...
0 739 posted 17 years ago by zingo
updates (svn up) a working copy and displays the changes
4 843 posted 17 years ago by zingo
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