
Member since 02/28/2009

Name: Sven Werlen

Location: Montreal (Ahuntsic)


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Dorgendubal's Recent Snippets

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Ideal if you have a laptop. If someone steals it, he will not be able to read all your mails and documents with precious information (about passwords, accounts, credit cards, private stuffs, etc...). This snippet is considering that you are using...
0 704 posted 15 years ago by Dorgendubal
* Resized images are generated into TARGET_DIR. * Change the resolution (800x800 in my example) and quality (80) as you want. * The command keeps the image's proportion. 1600x1200 will be converted into 800x600, 1200x1600 into 600x800. _Notice_:...
2 1074 posted 15 years ago by Dorgendubal
Useful to remotely assist another person. 1. Connect to his computer using ssh 2. Execute first command listed below 3. The other person must open a terminal and execute the second command 4. Both are connected to the same terminal "screen"
1 1093 posted 15 years ago by Dorgendubal
Useful when you have to deal with ClassNotFoundException. The command looks for all jar in the current directory and any sub-directory, and checks if the jar contains the specified class. The command lists all matching jars.
0 1056 posted 15 years ago by Dorgendubal
Useful to quickly backup a folder by synchronizing it to another partition/disk.
0 689 posted 15 years ago by Dorgendubal
Useful to quickly identify processes listening to ports (to eventually kill them).
0 815 posted 15 years ago by Dorgendubal
Useful to convert all matching files from one encoding to another. Some examples:
1 1143 posted 15 years ago by Dorgendubal
* _HOST_: remote host * _PORT_: ssh port (default 22) * _PATH_: remote path to synchronize
0 688 posted 15 years ago by Dorgendubal
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