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A nice example of utilizing Groovy closures in order to create a when statement in Groovy (http://www.transentia.com.au/flatpress/?x=entry:entry090311-222726).
0 1070 posted 16 years ago by narkisr
This, owner, and delegate: this : as in Java, this refers to the instance of the enclosing class where a Closure is defined owner : the enclosing object (this or a surrounding closure) delegate : by default the same as owner, but changeable. (htt...
1 1175 posted 16 years ago by narkisr
Groovy ranges works on dates also! (http://kousenit.wordpress.com/2009/02/02/groovy-groundhogs/)
2 1034 posted 16 years ago by narkisr
Thanx to Guillaume Laforge, who provided this code snippet of Groovy code in a GSP. The snippet below is more or less the same, less the HTML. It will show all future evens and create a eventMap for each event.
0 1255 posted 16 years ago by hansamann
another way to set / create a date using jodatime download jodatime at http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/
1 879 posted 16 years ago by callmeblessed
create a date using Calendar
1 1065 posted 16 years ago by callmeblessed
how to rollback data on grails' service .... for myutil --> please look at
0 862 posted 16 years ago by callmeblessed
I need to create all table in InnoDB in my grails application. you can add this / edit the following code on grails-app/conf/Datasource.groovy
1 1320 posted 16 years ago by callmeblessed
how to "beautify" or tidying your code using vim ?
1 1088 posted 16 years ago by callmeblessed
how to render GSP template as String ? g:render is taglib in gsp (<g:render> ) but you can call it on your controller using g.render().
0 1326 posted 16 years ago by callmeblessed
how to read error message as string instead of complicated codes. usually people using taglib to read error messages. but how to read it in controller/service if you, for example, want to log or render just the message. here is how to do that.
0 1072 posted 16 years ago by callmeblessed
how to call session from grails service (spring service)
0 1102 posted 16 years ago by callmeblessed
how to loop an array / collection / list but with index. instead of using each{} closure, you can use eachWithIndex{} closure
1 889 posted 16 years ago by callmeblessed
This script will alow you to download files from a remote FTP
2 1463 posted 16 years ago by kouphax
Using Groovy you can extend the Sql, DataSet and GroovyResultSet objects present in the language to do simple object mapping similar to iBatis et al. An example of using the code below /* POGO used in the mapping */ class BranchFax {...
0 1240 posted 16 years ago by kouphax
Calculates the number of Months between 2 given dates
1 2019 posted 16 years ago by kouphax
An example on how to invoke Ant targets which are defined in build.xml.
0 917 posted 16 years ago by narkisr
This example shows how to clone an object from an existing one by using MOP in Groovy, first we find all the writable properties of the cloned object class, secondly we traverse them and on each iteration we copy the value from the current object i...
2 1590 posted 16 years ago by narkisr
Generating MD5 HEX string from either URL or File instance in Groovy (more elegant than the Java version).
1 1503 posted 16 years ago by narkisr
0 724 posted 16 years ago by kowalskg
2 1118 posted 16 years ago by hansamann
Removes diacritics from file name before adding it to the archive. Archive file name retains diacritics.
0 1158 posted 17 years ago by karelklic
Very basic but I use various variations all the time.
0 1162 posted 17 years ago by karelklic
Table as a MAP with 2D keys (row and column).
1 773 posted 17 years ago by roock
Decorator design pattern implemented in Groovy, two implementation are provided, the first is naive and not general, the second is MOP based and can be used in much more scenarios.
0 1216 posted 17 years ago by narkisr
Mediator design pattern implemented in Groovy (based upon http://www.javacamp.org/designPattern/).
1 1056 posted 17 years ago by narkisr