/ Published in: C#

Logic to make sure that the input through window controls (text boxes, drop down selections ...) were the correct length for the database table.
If the user entered 'abcdefghijk' into the 'HS Asset Tag' (hs_tag) text box, it will reject it because the table column hs_tag is set to VARCHAR(10) - a string with a length of ten.
01 Creates a public class (container object) called DictionaryToDB.
This is because it is taking the contents of a dictionary (key-value
pair) and putting it into a database table.
02 Create the dictionary object (another container type). 'string' means
that the key in the dictionary must be a string (a sentence or word
encapsulated by " "). 'dynamic' means that the datatypes can be
different, you can have integers, strings, lists and objects in the
same dictionary. This is useful because database table rows have a
specific datatype attributed to them.
04 I create a method/function that's public and doesn't return a value
(void) called AddToDictionary, because it will perform the logic and
add the keys and values (which we get from the windows form). It
takes two arguments. Which is called whenever we want to use that
method on some data. It becomes an object (method) inside another
object (Class) - encapsulation.
Used like:
AddToDictionary("hs_tag", "02535")
05 - It starts as an if statement, it does something if the condition given
is either true or false. For example:
if (MyName == "Jordan") {
06-10 - This is the basic layout of what you are seeing
== is equal to || is 'or' && is 'and'
If the user entered 'abcdefghijk' into the 'HS Asset Tag' (hs_tag) text box, it will reject it because the table column hs_tag is set to VARCHAR(10) - a string with a length of ten.
01 Creates a public class (container object) called DictionaryToDB.
This is because it is taking the contents of a dictionary (key-value
pair) and putting it into a database table.
02 Create the dictionary object (another container type). 'string' means
that the key in the dictionary must be a string (a sentence or word
encapsulated by " "). 'dynamic' means that the datatypes can be
different, you can have integers, strings, lists and objects in the
same dictionary. This is useful because database table rows have a
specific datatype attributed to them.
04 I create a method/function that's public and doesn't return a value
(void) called AddToDictionary, because it will perform the logic and
add the keys and values (which we get from the windows form). It
takes two arguments. Which is called whenever we want to use that
method on some data. It becomes an object (method) inside another
object (Class) - encapsulation.
Used like:
AddToDictionary("hs_tag", "02535")
05 - It starts as an if statement, it does something if the condition given
is either true or false. For example:
if (MyName == "Jordan") {
06-10 - This is the basic layout of what you are seeing
== is equal to || is 'or' && is 'and'
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public class DictionaryToDB { public void AddToDictionary(string key, dynamic value) { if ( (key == "hs_tag" || key == "host_pc" && value.Length <= 10) || (key == "mac" && value.Length <= 17 || key == "ip" && value.Length <= 25 || key == "wireless_mac" && value.Length <= 20) || (key == "disks" || key == "cpu" || key == "memory" || key == "graphics" && value.Length <= 25) || (key == "name" || key == "manufacturer" || key == "model" || key == "serial_no" || key == "oem_os_key" || key == "allocated_to" || key == "bios" && value.Length <= 50) || (key == "comment" && value.Length <= 255)) { MyDictionary.Add(key, value); MessageBox.Show("It worked!", "Success!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("It Failed!", ":("); } } }