/ Published in: Bash

This script is mean to be associated with a keyboard shortcut , his purpose is to switch from internal output to hdmi output. It also switch output for all source (meaning all software currently outputing sound).
you can modify :
notify_show : 1 to show , 0 to not show
notify_delay : the time to show the notification in ms
hdmi_card_num : the number of your hdmi card , this can be found using "pacmd list-sinks" and looking to the index number corresponding to the hdmi sink
you can modify :
notify_show : 1 to show , 0 to not show
notify_delay : the time to show the notification in ms
hdmi_card_num : the number of your hdmi card , this can be found using "pacmd list-sinks" and looking to the index number corresponding to the hdmi sink
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#!/bin/bash # # Sound output switcher using PulseAudio,libnotify # # by Mickaël Quirin <eephyne[guess what put here]gmail.com # inspired by script done by Anton Veretenenko <anton[email sign]veretenenko.ru> notify_show=1 notify_delay=2000 hdmi_card_num=0 active_device=`pacmd list-sinks | grep -i -E '\* index' | sed -r "s/^.*\* index: //"` if [ "$active_device" == "$hdmi_card_num" ] then pacmd "set-default-sink 1" test=`pacmd list-sink-inputs | grep -i -E 'index:'` while read -r line; do sink=(`echo $line | sed -r s/^.*index:\ //`) pacmd move-sink-input $sink 1; done <<< $test if [ $notify_show -eq 1 ] then notify-send -u normal -t $notify_delay -i gnome-sound-properties "HDMI Off" "Sound output switched to internal audio" fi else pacmd "set-default-sink 0" test=`pacmd list-sink-inputs | grep -i -E 'index:'` while read -r line; do sink=(`echo $line | sed -r s/^.*index:\ //`) pacmd move-sink-input $sink 0; done <<< $test if [ $notify_show -eq 1 ] then notify-send -u normal -t $notify_delay -i gnome-sound-properties "HDMI On" "Sound output switched to HDMI output" fi fi