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import sys import cmd import shlex import persistent import transaction import ZODB import ZODB.FileStorage class Project(persistent.Persistent): def __init__(self, name, title): self.name = name self.title = title self.tasks = {} def addTask(self, name, description): task = Task(name, description) self.tasks[name] = task self._p_changed = True class Task(persistent.Persistent): def __init__(self, name, description): self.name = name self.description = description self.bookings = [] def bookTime(self, time, description=''): booking = Booking(time, description) self.bookings.append(booking) self._p_changed = True class Booking(persistent.Persistent): def __init__(self, time, description): self.time = time self.description = description class TimeTrax(cmd.Cmd, object): def __init__(self, intro="TimeTrax time tracking helper", prompt="timetrax: ", db_path="projects.fs"): super(TimeTrax, self).__init__() self.intro = intro self.prompt = prompt self.db = ZODB.DB(ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage(db_path)) self.projects = self.db.open().root() def addProject(self, name, title): project = Project(name, title) self.projects[name] = project transaction.commit() def dropProject(self, name): del self.projects[name] transaction.commit() def addTask(self, project, name, description): self.projects[project].addTask(name, description) transaction.commit() def bookTime(self, project, task, time, description): self.projects[project].tasks[task].bookTime(time, description) transaction.commit() def postloop(self): def postcmd(self, stop, line): if line=='EOF': return self.do_EOF(self) if not line.startswith('help'): def precmd(self, line): if not line.startswith('help'): return line def emptyline(self): def help_help(self): print "Show this help" def do_EOF(self, line): "Exit the shell" return True def do_create(self, line): name, title = shlex.split(line) self.addProject(name, title) print "created project %s" % name def help_create(self): print "create project_name project_title" print "Create a new project with unique name project_name" def do_drop(self, line): if line in self.projects.keys(): self.dropProject(line) print "dropped project %s" % line else: print "%s is not a recognized project" % line def help_drop(self): print "drop project_name" print "drop a project named project_name from the database" def do_list(self, line): if not line: return self.list_projects() args = shlex.split(line) if len(args) == 1: return self.list_tasks(line) return self.list_bookings(args[0], args[1]) def help_list(self): print "list [project_name] [task_name]" print "List all projects if no arguments are given" print "List all tasks in project_name" print "List all time bookings for task_name in project_name" def list_projects(self): print "Project Title" print "======= =====" for name, project in self.projects.items(): print "%-20s%s" % (name, project.title) def list_tasks(self, project): print "Project: %s" % project print "Task Time Description" print "==== ==== ===========" for name, task in self.projects[project].tasks.items(): total_time = sum([booking.time for booking in task.bookings]) print "%-20s%-8s%s" % (name, total_time, task.description) def list_bookings(self, project, task): task = self.projects[project].tasks[task] total_time = 0 print "Project: %s" % project print "task: %s" % task.description print "Time Description" print "==== ===========" for booking in task.bookings: print "%-8s%s" % (booking.time, booking.description) total_time = total_time + booking.time print "---- -----------" print "%-8sTotal" % total_time def do_add(self, line): project, task, description = shlex.split(line) self.addTask(project, task, description) print "Added task %s to project %s" % (task, project) def help_add(self): print "add project_name task_name task_description" print "Add a new task to project_name" print "task_description is required" def do_book(self, line): args = shlex.split(line) if len(args) == 3: project, task, time= shlex.split(line) description = '' else: project, task, time, description = shlex.split(line) time = int(time) self.bookTime(project, task, time, description) print "booked %s hours for task %s in project %s" % (time, task, project) def help_book(self): print "book project_name task_name hours work_description" print "Book time in hours for a task in project_name" print "work_description is required" if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1: args = [(' ' in arg and '"%s"' % arg) or arg for arg in sys.argv[1:]] TimeTrax().onecmd(' '.join(args)) else: TimeTrax().cmdloop()