iPhone: Make categories defined inside libraries actually work

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There seems to be an bugrelated to static libraries with an implementation file that contains ONLY implementations of category methods. The FIX_CATEGORY_BUG macro basically just expands to define an interface and implementation of that interface with no methods, just to force something into the .m file that isn't a category.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. //CategoryBugHack.h
  2. #define FIX_CATEGORY_BUG(name) @interface FIX_CATEGORY_BUG##name @end @implementation FIX_CATEGORY_BUG##name @end
  3. Then the category .h/.m ...
  5. //NSStringCategory.h
  6. @interface NSString (MyAdditions)
  7. // etc, etc
  8. @end
  10. //NSStringCategory.m
  11. #import "CategoryBugHack.h"
  12. FIX_CATEGORY_BUG(NSString_MyAdditions)
  13. @implementation NSString (MyAdditions)
  14. // etc, etc
  15. @end

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