/ Published in: ActionScript 3

This is based on http://www.snipplr.com/view/46082/as3-html-color-keywords-colorname-class/
I found that link really useful, but it's more complex than I needed. I just wanted a simple list of consts. So I ran the above through a regexp and extracted the following code, adding the grays to it.
I also added the NO_COLOR const, which I sometimes find useful (and why I used ints intead of uints, which can't ever be negative). Color values are always positive numbers. There's no equivalent to null, because zero is a color (black). So NO_COLOR is my faux null.
I found that link really useful, but it's more complex than I needed. I just wanted a simple list of consts. So I ran the above through a regexp and extracted the following code, adding the grays to it.
I also added the NO_COLOR const, which I sometimes find useful (and why I used ints intead of uints, which can't ever be negative). Color values are always positive numbers. There's no equivalent to null, because zero is a color (black). So NO_COLOR is my faux null.
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public static const NO_COLOR : int = -1; //grays public static const GRAY10: int = 0x1A1A1A; public static const GRAY20: int = 0x333333; public static const GRAY30: int = 0x4D4D4D; public static const GRAY40: int = 0x666666; public static const GRAY50: int = 0x808080; public static const GRAY60: int = 0x999999; public static const GRAY70: int = 0xB3B3B3; public static const GRAY80: int = 0xCCCCCC; public static const GRAY90: int = 0xE5E5E5; //HTML4 COLOR KEYWORDS - VGA //@see http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#html4 public static const AQUA : int = 0x00FFFF; public static const BLACK : int = 0x000000; public static const BLUE : int = 0x0000FF; public static const FUCHSIA : int = 0xFF00FF; public static const GRAY : int = 0x808080; public static const GREEN : int = 0x008000; public static const LIME : int = 0x00FF00; public static const MAROON : int = 0x800000; public static const NAVY : int = 0x000080; public static const OLIVE : int = 0x808000; public static const PURPLE : int = 0x800080; public static const RED : int = 0xFF0000; public static const SILVER : int = 0xC0C0C0; public static const TEAL : int = 0x008080; public static const WHITE : int = 0xFFFFFF; public static const YELLOW : int = 0xFFFF00; //SVG COLOR KEYWORDS - X11 ( INCLUDES THE 16 HTML4 - VGA COLORS ) //@see http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#svg-color public static const ALICE_BLUE : int = 0xF0F8FF; public static const ANTIQUE_WHITE : int = 0xFAEBD7; public static const AQUAMARINE : int = 0x7FFFD4; public static const AZURE : int = 0xF0FFFF; public static const BEIGE : int = 0xF5F5DC; public static const BISQUE : int = 0xFFE4C4; public static const BLANCHED_ALMOND : int = 0xFFEBCD; public static const BLUE_VIOLET : int = 0x8A2BE2; public static const BROWN : int = 0xA52A2A; public static const BURLY_WOOD : int = 0xDEB887; public static const CADET_BLUE : int = 0x5F9EA0; public static const CHARTREUSE : int = 0x7FFF00; public static const CHOCOLATE : int = 0xD2691E; public static const CORAL : int = 0xFF7F50; public static const CORNFLOWER_BLUE : int = 0x6495ED; public static const CORNSILK : int = 0xFFF8DC; public static const CRIMSON : int = 0xDC143C; public static const CYAN : int = 0x00FFFF; public static const DARK_BLUE : int = 0x00008B; public static const DARK_CYAN : int = 0x008B8B; public static const DARK_GOLDEN_ROD : int = 0xB8860B; public static const DARK_GRAY : int = 0xA9A9A9; public static const DARK_GREY : int = 0xA9A9A9; public static const DARK_GREEN : int = 0x006400; public static const DARK_KHAKI : int = 0xBDB76B; public static const DARK_MAGENTA : int = 0x8B008B; public static const DARK_OLIVE_GREEN : int = 0x556B2F; public static const DARK_ORANGE : int = 0xFF8C00; public static const DARK_ORCHID : int = 0x9932CC; public static const DARK_RED : int = 0x8B0000; public static const DARK_SALMON : int = 0xE9967A; public static const DARK_SEA_GREEN : int = 0x8FBC8F; public static const DARK_SLATE_BLUE : int = 0x483D8B; public static const DARK_SLATE_GRAY : int = 0x2F4F4F; public static const DARK_SLATE_GREY : int = 0x2F4F4F; public static const DARK_TURQUOISE : int = 0x00CED1; public static const DARK_VIOLET : int = 0x9400D3; public static const DEEP_PINK : int = 0xFF1493; public static const DEEP_SKY_BLUE : int = 0x00BFFF; public static const DIM_GRAY : int = 0x696969; public static const DIM_GREY : int = 0x696969; public static const DODGER_BLUE : int = 0x1E90FF; public static const FIRE_BRICK : int = 0xB22222; public static const FLORAL_WHITE : int = 0xFFFAF0; public static const FOREST_GREEN : int = 0x228B22; public static const GAINSBORO : int = 0xDCDCDC; public static const GHOST_WHITE : int = 0xF8F8FF; public static const GOLD : int = 0xFFD700; public static const GOLDEN_ROD : int = 0xDAA520; public static const GREY : int = 0x808080; public static const GREEN_YELLOW : int = 0xADFF2F; public static const HONEY_DEW : int = 0xF0FFF0; public static const HOT_PINK : int = 0xFF69B4; public static const INDIAN_RED : int = 0xCD5C5C; public static const INDIGO : int = 0x4B0082; public static const IVORY : int = 0xFFFFF0; public static const KHAKI : int = 0xF0E68C; public static const LAVENDER : int = 0xE6E6FA; public static const LAVENDER_BLUSH : int = 0xFFF0F5; public static const LAWN_GREEN : int = 0x7CFC00; public static const LEMON_CHIFFON : int = 0xFFFACD; public static const LIGHT_BLUE : int = 0xADD8E6; public static const LIGHT_CORAL : int = 0xF08080; public static const LIGHT_CYAN : int = 0xE0FFFF; public static const LIGHT_GOLDEN_ROD_YELLOW : int = 0xFAFAD2; public static const LIGHT_GRAY : int = 0xD3D3D3; public static const LIGHT_GREY : int = 0xD3D3D3; public static const LIGHT_GREEN : int = 0x90EE90; public static const LIGHT_PINK : int = 0xFFB6C1; public static const LIGHT_SALMON : int = 0xFFA07A; public static const LIGHT_SEA_GREEN : int = 0x20B2AA; public static const LIGHT_SKY_BLUE : int = 0x87CEFA; public static const LIGHT_SLATE_GRAY : int = 0x778899; public static const LIGHT_SLATE_GREY : int = 0x778899; public static const LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE : int = 0xB0C4DE; public static const LIGHT_YELLOW : int = 0xFFFFE0; public static const LIME_GREEN : int = 0x32CD32; public static const LINEN : int = 0xFAF0E6; public static const MAGENTA : int = 0xFF00FF; public static const MEDIUM_AQUA_MARINE : int = 0x66CDAA; public static const MEDIUM_BLUE : int = 0x0000CD; public static const MEDIUM_ORCHID : int = 0xBA55D3; public static const MEDIUM_PURPLE : int = 0x9370D8; public static const MEDIUM_SEA_GREEN : int = 0x3CB371; public static const MEDIUM_SLATE_BLUE : int = 0x7B68EE; public static const MEDIUM_SPRING_GREEN : int = 0x00FA9A; public static const MEDIUM_TURQUOISE : int = 0x48D1CC; public static const MEDIUM_VIOLET_RED : int = 0xC71585; public static const MIDNIGHT_BLUE : int = 0x191970; public static const MINT_CREAM : int = 0xF5FFFA; public static const MISTY_ROSE : int = 0xFFE4E1; public static const MOCCASIN : int = 0xFFE4B5; public static const NAVAJO_WHITE : int = 0xFFDEAD; public static const OLD_LACE : int = 0xFDF5E6; public static const OLIVE_DRAB : int = 0x6B8E23; public static const ORANGE : int = 0xFFA500; public static const ORANGE_RED : int = 0xFF4500; public static const ORCHID : int = 0xDA70D6; public static const PALE_GOLDEN_ROD : int = 0xEEE8AA; public static const PALE_GREEN : int = 0x98FB98; public static const PALE_TURQUOISE : int = 0xAFEEEE; public static const PALE_VIOLET_RED : int = 0xD87093; public static const PAPAYA_WHIP : int = 0xFFEFD5; public static const PEACH_PUFF : int = 0xFFDAB9; public static const PERU : int = 0xCD853F; public static const PINK : int = 0xFFC0CB; public static const PLUM : int = 0xDDA0DD; public static const POWDER_BLUE : int = 0xB0E0E6; public static const ROSY_BROWN : int = 0xBC8F8F; public static const ROYAL_BLUE : int = 0x4169E1; public static const SADDLE_BROWN : int = 0x8B4513; public static const SALMON : int = 0xFA8072; public static const SANDY_BROWN : int = 0xF4A460; public static const SEA_GREEN : int = 0x2E8B57; public static const SEA_SHELL : int = 0xFFF5EE; public static const SIENNA : int = 0xA0522D; public static const SKY_BLUE : int = 0x87CEEB; public static const SLATE_BLUE : int = 0x6A5ACD; public static const SLATE_GRAY : int = 0x708090; public static const SLATE_GREY : int = 0x708090; public static const SNOW : int = 0xFFFAFA; public static const SPRING_GREEN : int = 0x00FF7F; public static const STEEL_BLUE : int = 0x4682B4; public static const TAN : int = 0xD2B48C; public static const THISTLE : int = 0xD8BFD8; public static const TOMATO : int = 0xFF6347; public static const TURQUOISE : int = 0x40E0D0; public static const VIOLET : int = 0xEE82EE; public static const WHEAT : int = 0xF5DEB3; public static const WHITE_SMOKE : int = 0xF5F5F5; public static const YELLOW_GREEN : int = 0x9ACD32;
