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It can either rebuild/reorg all databases or just a selected database. Options are there to prevent small indexes from being redone (there is not much point in rebuilding an idex with only a few pages). You can also prevent it from reindexing large indexes, one that you may prefer to do manually. If the edition of SQL supports it, it will do online rebuilds. You can also prevent index from being rebuilt that are over a certain threshold, either in pages or percentage (you may want to do manually large indexes manually).
You can set your own threshold for reorg versus rebuild (defaults to 5/30). There is also an option to change the recovery model to simple for the duration of the action.
The only time this may fail is if your server is case sensitive, I did not build in the checks to allow for that.
If you want to rebuild all indexes with a new fillfactor, just set the @ReOrgThreshold to 1.01 and @ReBuildThreshold to 1.02...or do it manually.
Not much else to add, the SP has a good bit of documentation.
You can set your own threshold for reorg versus rebuild (defaults to 5/30). There is also an option to change the recovery model to simple for the duration of the action.
The only time this may fail is if your server is case sensitive, I did not build in the checks to allow for that.
If you want to rebuild all indexes with a new fillfactor, just set the @ReOrgThreshold to 1.01 and @ReBuildThreshold to 1.02...or do it manually.
Not much else to add, the SP has a good bit of documentation.
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/***********************************************************************************************************************         Version 1.0         19 Aug 2010         Gregory Ferdinanddsen         [email protected]             This SP will rebuild/reorg indexes.         Parameters:             @DB = Either 'All' or the name of one DB. If 'All' all databases on the server are examined; otherwise the name of a single DB.             @Stats = Statistical Sampling Method (Limited, Sampled, or Detailed) for determining what index will be impacted.                 --LIMITED - It is the fastest mode and scans the smallest number of pages.                         For an index, only the parent-level pages of the B-tree (that is, the pages above the leaf level) are scanned                 --SAMPLED - It returns statistics based on a 1 percent sample of all the pages in the index or heap.                         If the index or heap has fewer than 10,000 pages, DETAILED mode is used instead of SAMPLED.                 --DETAILED - It scans all pages and returns all statistics.             @MinPageCount = Since index with few pages usually don't defrag (and a table scan is preferred), ignores small indexes             @MaxPageCount = Maximum number of index pages to be considered. This can preclude very large indexes             @Fill Factor = Specifies a percentage that indicates how full the Database Engine should make the leaf level of each index page                     during index creation or alteration. fillfactor must be an integer value from 1 to 100. The default is 0.             @PAD_Index = The percentage of free space that is specified by FILLFACTOR is applied to the intermediate-level pages of the index.                 If FILLFACTOR is not specified at the same time PAD_INDEX is set to ON, the fill factor value stored in sys.indexes is used.             @SortInTempDB = The intermediate sort results that are used to build the index are stored in tempdb.                 If tempdb is on a different set of disks than the user database, this may reduce the time needed to create an index.                 However, this increases the amount of disk space that is used during the index build.             @Online = Online rebuild, for editions that support online rebuild (for editions that do not support online rebuild, this is ignored)             @ReBuildTheshold = The threshold for deciding to rebuild v reorg (MSFT recomend's 30)             @ReOrgThreshold = The threshold for deciding to rebuild v reorg (MSFT recomend's 5)             @MaxFrag = The maximum amount of fragmentation to defrag (i.e. you don't want to defrag an index over 80%)             @ChangeRecoveryModel = Set's the DB's in simple recovery mode prior to starting, reverts back to original mode on completion.             NB:             @Fill_Factor, @PAD_Index will only be applied to index that are rebuilt (Fragmentation >= @ReBuildTheshold)             Alter Index -- http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188388.aspx             sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats -- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188917.aspx         examples:             exec dbadmin..sp_Defrag_Indexes, @FillFactor = 75, @PAD_Index = 'true', @Stats = 'Detailed'             exec dbadmin..sp_Defrag_Indexes                 @DB = 'changepoint',                 @FillFactor = 65,                 @PAD_Index = 'true',                 @Stats = 'Detailed',                 @ChangeRecoveryModel = 'true',                 @minpagecount = 150 ***********************************************************************************************************************/ ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Defrag_Indexes]     (     @DB VARCHAR(256) = 'all',     @Stats VARCHAR(8) = 'sampled',     @MinPageCount INT = 20,     @MaxPageCount FLOAT = 1000000000000000, --A very large default number     @FillFactor INT = NULL,     @PAD_Index VARCHAR(8) = 'false',     @SortInTempDB VARCHAR(8) = 'true',     @OnlineReq VARCHAR(8) = 'true',     @ReBuildTheshold REAL = 30.0,     @ReOrgThreshold REAL = 5.0,     @MaxFrag REAL = 100.0,     @ChangeRecoveryModel VARCHAR(8) = 'false'     )     AS     DECLARE @SQLCmd AS VARCHAR (8000)     DECLARE @SQLCmdBk AS VARCHAR(4096)     DECLARE @SQLCmdWith AS VARCHAR(4096)     DECLARE @SQLCmdFill VARCHAR(512)     DECLARE @SQLCmdOnline VARCHAR(512)     DECLARE @SQLCmdPad VARCHAR(512)     DECLARE @SQLCmdSort VARCHAR(512)     DECLARE @SQLCmdRecovery VARCHAR(512)     DECLARE @exit VARCHAR(8)     DECLARE @ErrorTxt AS VARCHAR(128)     DECLARE @SQLEdition AS VARCHAR(64)     DECLARE @Online AS VARCHAR(8)     DECLARE @DBName AS VARCHAR(256)     DECLARE @ObjectID INT     DECLARE @IndexID INT     DECLARE @PartitionNum AS BIGINT     DECLARE @Frag AS FLOAT     DECLARE @PageCount AS BIGINT     DECLARE @PartitionCount AS BIGINT     DECLARE @ParititionNum AS BIGINT     DECLARE @IndexName AS VARCHAR(128)     DECLARE @SchemaName AS VARCHAR(128)     DECLARE @ObjectName AS VARCHAR(128)     DECLARE @ParmDef nvarchar(512)     DECLARE @SQLCmdID AS nvarchar(1024)     DECLARE @RecoveryModel AS VARCHAR(16)     --Verify that proper parameters were passed to SP     IF @Stats NOT IN ('limited', 'sampled', 'detailed')         BEGIN             RaisError ('@Stats must be "limited", "sampled", or "detailed"', 16, 1)             RETURN         END     IF @PAD_Index NOT IN ('true', 'false')         BEGIN             RaisError ('@PAD_Index must be "true" or "false"', 16, 1)             RETURN         END     IF @SortInTempDB NOT IN ('true', 'false')         BEGIN             RaisError ('@SortInTempDB must be "true" or "false"', 16, 1)             RETURN         END     IF @OnlineReq NOT IN ('true', 'false')         BEGIN             RaisError ('@OnlineReq must be "true" or "false"', 16, 1)             RETURN         END     IF @FillFactor NOT BETWEEN 0 AND 100         BEGIN             RaisError ('@FillFactor must be between 0 and 100', 16, 1)             RETURN         END     IF @ReBuildTheshold NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 100         BEGIN             RaisError ('@ReBuildTheshold must be between 1 and 100', 16, 1)             RETURN         END     IF @ReOrgThreshold NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 100         BEGIN             RaisError ('@ReOrgThreshold must be between 1 and 100', 16, 1)             RETURN         END     --There would be nothing returned if MaxFrag was less than the reorg threshold.     IF @MaxFrag NOT BETWEEN @ReOrgThreshold AND 100         BEGIN             RaisError ('@MaxFrag must be between the @ReOrgThreshold value (default of 5) and 100', 16, 1)             RETURN         END     IF @MinPageCount < 0         BEGIN             RaisError ('@MinPageCount must be positive', 16, 1)             RETURN         END     IF @MaxPageCount < 10         BEGIN             RaisError ('@MaxPageCount must be greater than 10', 16, 1)             RETURN         END     IF @ChangeRecoveryModel NOT IN ('true', 'false')         BEGIN             RaisError ('@ChangeRecoveryModel must be "true" or "false"', 16, 1)             RETURN         END     IF @MinPageCount > @MaxPageCount         BEGIN             RaisError ('@MinPageCount cannot be greater than @MaxPageCount', 16, 1)             RETURN         END     IF @DB <> 'All'         BEGIN             IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = @DB)                 BEGIN                     SET @ErrorTxt = 'The supplied database (' + @DB + ') does not exist.'                     RaisError (@ErrorTxt, 16, 1)                     RETURN                 END         END     --You can't have rebuild be at a lower level than reorg     IF @ReBuildTheshold < @ReOrgThreshold SET @ReOrgThreshold = @ReBuildTheshold - 0.01     --Determine SQL Edition (for online rebuild -- Enterprise and Developer support online rebuild)     SET @SQLEdition = CAST(ServerProperty('Edition') AS VARCHAR)     SET @SQLEdition =         CASE             WHEN @SQLEdition = 'Enterprise Edition' THEN 'Enterprise'             WHEN @SQLEdition = 'Standard Edition' THEN 'Standard'             WHEN @SQLEdition = 'Developer Edition' THEN 'Developer'         END     IF @SQLEdition = 'Enterprise' OR @SQLEdition = 'Developer'         BEGIN             SET @Online = 'true'         END     ELSE SET @Online = 'false'     --If only one database, then go to the innser cursor (and exit that cursor before the fetch next command)     SET @Exit = 'false'     IF @DB <> 'All'         BEGIN             SET @Exit = 'true'             SET @DBName = @DB             GOTO ExecuteForEachDatabase         END     --Outer Cursor for DBName     DECLARE DatabaseNames cursor         FOR SELECT name FROM sys.databases         OPEN DatabaseNames         fetch NEXT FROM DatabaseNames INTO @DBName         while @@fetch_status <> -1             BEGIN ExecuteForEachDatabase:                 --Delete the Temp Table                 IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.sys.objects WHERE name = '#Fragmentation' AND TYPE IN('U'))                     BEGIN                         DROP TABLE #Fragmentation                     END                 --Determine Recovery Model                 SET @RecoveryModel = CAST(DatabasePropertyEx(@DBName, 'Recovery') AS VARCHAR(16))                 IF @RecoveryModel IN ('FULL', 'BULK_LOGGED') AND @ChangeRecoveryModel = 'true'                     BEGIN                         SET @SQLCmdRecovery = 'alter database ' + @DBName + ' set recovery simple with no_wait'                         print @DBName + ' recovery model set to simple.'                         EXEC (@SQLCmdRecovery)                     END                 --Index_ID of 0 is a heap index, no need to defrag                 SELECT object_id AS ObjectID, index_id AS IndexID, partition_number AS PartitionNum, avg_fragmentation_in_percent AS Frag                     INTO #Fragmentation                     FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(@DBName), NULL, NULL , NULL, @Stats)                     WHERE avg_fragmentation_in_percent >= @ReOrgThreshold AND avg_fragmentation_in_percent < = @MaxFrag                         AND index_id > 0                         AND Page_Count >= @MinPageCount AND Page_Count <= @MaxPageCount                 --Inner Cursor (objects)                 DECLARE CurPartitions cursor                     FOR SELECT * FROM #Fragmentation                     OPEN CurPartitions                     fetch NEXT FROM CurPartitions INTO @ObjectID, @IndexID, @ParititionNum, @Frag                     while @@fetch_status <> -1                         BEGIN                             SET @SQLCmdID = 'select @ObjectName = quotename(obj.name), @SchemaName = quotename(sch.name) from ' + @DBName +                                 '.sys.objects as obj join ' + @DBName + '.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = obj.schema_id where obj.object_id = @ObjectID'                             --select @ObjectName = quotename(obj.name), @SchemaName = quotename(sch.name)                             --    from sys.objects as obj                             --    join sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = obj.schema_id                             --    where obj.object_id = @ObjectID                             SET @ParmDef = N'@ObjectID int, @ObjectName sysname output, @SchemaName sysname output'                             EXEC sp_executesql @SQLCmdID, @ParmDef, @ObjectID= @ObjectID, @ObjectName = @ObjectName output, @SchemaName = @SchemaName output                                                              --select @IndexName = quotename(name)                             --    from sys.indexes                             --    where object_id = @ObjectID and index_id = @IndexID                             SET @SQLCmdID = 'select @IndexName = quotename(name) from ' + @DBName + '.sys.indexes where object_id = @ObjectID and index_id = @IndexID'                             SET @ParmDef = N'@ObjectId int, @IndexId int, @IndexName sysname output'                             EXEC sp_executesql @SQLCmdID, @ParmDef, @ObjectId = @ObjectId, @IndexId = @IndexId, @IndexName = @IndexName output                             --select @PartitionCount = count (*)                             --    from sys.partitions                             --    where object_id = @ObjectID and index_id = @IndexID                             SET @SQLCmdID = 'select @PartitionCount = count (*) from ' + @DBName + '.sys.partitions where object_id = @ObjectID and index_id = @IndexID'                             SET @ParmDef = N'@ObjectId int, @IndexId int, @PartitionCount int output'                             EXEC sp_executesql @SQLCmdID, @ParmDef, @ObjectId = @ObjectId, @IndexId = @IndexId, @PartitionCount = @PartitionCount output                             --ReOrg                             SET @SQLCmdBk = NULL                             IF @frag < @ReBuildTheshold                                 BEGIN                                     SET @SQLCmdBk = 'alter index ' + @IndexName + ' on [' + @DBName + '].' + @SchemaName + '.' + @ObjectName + ' reorganize'                                 END                             IF @frag >= @ReBuildTheshold                                 BEGIN                                     SET @SQLCmdBk = 'alter index ' + @IndexName + ' on [' + @DBName + '].' + @SchemaName + '.' + @ObjectName + ' rebuild'                                 END                             --set options                             IF @FillFactor IS NOT NULL SET @SQLCmdFill = 'fillfactor = ' + CAST(@FillFactor AS VARCHAR(3))+ ', '                             IF @Online = 'true' AND @OnlineReq = 'true' SET @SQLCmdOnline = 'online = on, '                             IF @PAD_Index = 'true' SET @SQLCmdPad = 'PAD_Index = on, '                             IF @SortInTempDB = 'true' SET @SQLCmdSort = 'Sort_in_TempDB = on, '                             IF @PartitionCount > 1 SET @SQLCmdBk = @SQLCmdBk + ' partition = ' + CAST(@partitionnum AS nvarchar(10))                             SET @SQLCmdWith = ' with ('                             --With options only apply to rebuilds, not to re-org                             IF @frag >= @ReBuildTheshold                                 BEGIN                                     IF @SQLCmdFill IS NOT NULL SET @SQLCmdWith = @SQLCmdWith + @SQLCmdFill                                     IF @SQLCmdOnline IS NOT NULL SET @SQLCmdWith = @SQLCmdWith + @SQLCmdOnline                                     IF @SQLCmdPad IS NOT NULL SET @SQLCmdWith = @SQLCmdWith + @SQLCmdPad                                     IF @SQLCmdSort IS NOT NULL SET @SQLCmdWith = @SQLCmdWith + @SQLCmdSort                                 END                             IF @SQLCmdWith <> ' with (' SET @SQLCmdWith = LEFT(@SQLCmdWith, len(@SQLCmdWith) - 1) + ')'                             IF @SQLCmdWith <> ' with (' SET @SQLCmd = @SQLCmdBk + @SQLCmdWith                             ELSE SET @SQLCmd = @SQLCmdBk                             --Print and execute                             EXEC (@SQLCmd)                             print @SQLCmd                             fetch NEXT FROM CurPartitions INTO @ObjectID, @IndexID, @ParititionNum, @Frag                         END --CurPartitions                     close CurPartitions                     deallocate CurPartitions                     DROP TABLE #Fragmentation                     --If DB was in Full or Bulk_Logged and tlogging was disabled, then re-enable                     IF @RecoveryModel IN ('FULL', 'BULK_LOGGED') AND @ChangeRecoveryModel = 'true'                         BEGIN                             SET @SQLCmdRecovery = 'alter database ' + @DBName + ' set recovery ' + @RecoveryModel + ' with no_wait'                             print @DBName + ' recovery model set to ' + @RecoveryModel + ' recovery model.'                             EXEC (@SQLCmdRecovery)                         END                     IF @Exit = 'true' RETURN                 fetch NEXT FROM DatabaseNames INTO @DBName             END --DatabaseNames     close DatabaseNames     deallocate DatabaseNames
URL: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/scripts/Reindex/70985/