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# build a dictionary that maps the ordinals from 32 to 255 # to their ASCII character equivalents eg. 33: '!' # (note that 32 and 160 are spaces) # Python24 by vegaseat 10may2005 import operator print "ASCII values of characters:" print '-'*27 # print 27 dashes, cosmetic # create an empty dictionary charD = {} # set keys from 32 to 255 keyList = range(32, 256) # use map() to create the character list # applies function chr() to every item of the list valueList = map(chr, keyList) # use map() to form a dictionary from the two lists map(operator.setitem, [charD]*len(keyList), keyList, valueList) print "%6s%6s%6s" % ("hex", "dec", "char") # print the dictionary one associated pair each line for key,value in charD.items(): print "%6x%6d%6c" % (key, key, value) print '-'*27