/ Published in: JavaScript

Wrap in script tags and place at the bottom of your AC.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
if ($('ka_playPagePlayer')) { $j(window).load(function () { $j('#ka_playPagePlayer').html('<span id="ka_playPagePlayer_inner"></span>'); var flashvars = { affiliateSiteId: Ka.Info.AFFILIATESITEID, widgetId: Ka.Info.MEDIAWIDGETID, mediaType_mediaID: "video_" + Ka.Info.MEDIAID, width: Ka.Info.MEDIAWIDTH, height: Ka.Info.MEDIAHEIGHT } var params = { menu: "false", allowfullscreen: "true", allowscriptaccess: "always", wmode: "transparent" }; var attributes = { id: "kickWidget_1_" + Ka.Info.MEDIAWIDGETID }; var expressInstallURL = "http://serve.a-widget.com/kickapps/kickFlash/scripts/expressInstall2.swf"; var swfURL = "http://serve.a-widget.com/service/getWidgetSwf.kickAction"; swfobject.embedSWF(swfURL, "ka_playPagePlayer_inner", "420px", "338px", "9.0.28", expressInstallURL, flashvars, params, attributes); }); }