Posted By

1man on 05/02/09



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Css Button Sliding doors

/ Published in: CSS
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Useful little spippet for a button anchor where the text may change.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. a.myButton {
  2. background: transparent url('right.png') no-repeat scroll top right;
  3. display: block;
  4. float: left;
  5. height: 32px; /* Image height */
  6. margin-right: 6px;
  7. padding-right: 20px;/*Image Width*/
  8. /*Other Styles*/
  9. }
  10. a.myButton span {
  11. background: transparent url('button_left.png') no-repeat;
  12. display: block;
  13. line-height: 22px; /* Image Height */
  14. padding: /*Change to how you see fit*/
  15. }


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