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<?php require_once 'FileSystemService.php'; require_once 'JSONQuery.php'; require_once 'MySQLDump.php'; /** * I am a REST MySQL Database Manager Service the structure for the url is as follows: * * @eample * <code> * url string: * * http://localhost/service.php? * h=HOST * &u=USERNAME * &p=PASSWORD * &m=MODE * &d=DATABASE * &t=TABLE * &q=QUERY * </code> * * <code> * result: * * [ * { * "Database":"information_schema" * }, * { * "Database":"mysql" * }, * { * "Database":"test" * } * ] * </code> * * TABLE OF CONTENTS * * 1. MYSQL SHOW METHODS * 2. PRIVATE DATABASE/TABLE METHODS * 3. QUERY BUILDER/CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE METHODS * 4. ANALYZE/CHECK/OPTIMIZE/REPAIR METHODS * 5. BACKUP/IMPORT/EXPORT METHODS * 6. SERVER VARIABLES * 7. DATA METHODS * 8. UTILITY METHODS * 9. CLASS TESTING * * * @name MySQLService * @author Jonnie Spratley * @version 1.0 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License */ class MySQLService { /** * I am the database link * * @var private */ private $mysqli; private $fileSvc; private $jquery; /** * I hold alot of access to monitor and manager mysql tables * * @param [string] $host Host name * @param [string] $username User name * @param [string] $password User password * * @return MySQLService */ public function MySQLService( $host, $username, $password ) { //temporary for the bs warning signs on live // Report simple running errors //$this->mysqli = new mysqli ( $host, $username, $password ); /* create a connection object which is not connected */ /* set connection options */ $this->mysqli->options ( MYSQLI_CLIENT_COMPRESS ); $this->mysqli->options ( MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 5 ); /* connect to server */ $this->mysqli->real_connect ( $host, $username, $password ); /* check connection */ { } $this->fileSvc = new FileSystemService ( ); $this->jquery = new JSONQuery ( $this->mysqli ); } /* ******************************************************************** * ******************************************************************** * * 1. MYSQL SHOW METHODS * * Below is all the methods for getting tables, columns, databases, * indexs, statusus from the database. * * SHOW DATABASES; * SHOW TABLES FROM test; * SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'users'; * SHOW INDEX FROM 'contacts'; * SHOW INDEX FROM contacts; * SHOW COLUMNS FROM contacts; * SHOW STATUS FROM test; * SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM test; * * ******************************************************************** * *********************************************************************/ /** * I show all of the columns for a specified table. * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the table * @return [json] Json of all the columns */ public function getTableColumns( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $whatDatabase.$whatTable"; return $this->_queryToJSON ( $sql ); } /** * I get all tables in database * * @param [string] $database the database * @return [json] */ public function showTableStatus( $whatDatabase ) { { $tables [] = $row; } } /** * I get the primary key for the table. * * @param [string] $database the database * @param [string] $table the table * @return [json] */ public function getTableIndex( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM $whatDatabase.$whatTable"; return $this->_queryToARRAY ( $sql ); } /** * I get all databases, tables, columns, and fields in the database. * Formatted specially for Flex's Tree control. * * @return [json] */ public function getDatabasesAndTables() { //Database query //New database array //Loop the query { //Create a new array of tables for each database foreach ( $database as $key => $value ) { //Set the table array to get the tbles from the database $tables = $this->_getTables ( $value ); } //Add the tables to the database array "aDatabase" => $value, "aType" => "database", "aData" => $key, "aIcon" => "databaseIcon", "aTables" => $tables ); } //Encode in json } /** * I get all the databases * * @return [json] */ public function getDatabases() { //Database query //New database array //Loop the query { //Create a new array of tables for each database foreach ( $database as $key => $value ) { //Set the table array to get the tbles from the database $tables = $this->_getTables ( $value ); $status = $this->_getTableStatus ( $value ); $size = $this->_getDatabaseSize ( $value ); } //Add the tables to the database array "aDatabase" => $value, "aType" => "database", "aData" => $key, "aIcon" => "databaseIcon", "aTables" => $tables, "aStatus" => $status, "aSize" => $size ); } //Encode in json //return $databases; } /** * I get all tables in the database * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the name of the database * @return [json] */ public function getTables( $whatDatabase ) { //table query //create a new array of tables //loop all the results { //for each table in the result make an array foreach ( $table as $key => $value ) { //now descibe each table $fields = $this->_describeTable ( $whatDatabase, $value ); //now get the indexes $indexes = $this->_getTableIndexes ( $whatDatabase, $value ); //now get the status for that table $statuss = $this->_getSingleTableStatus ( $whatDatabase, $value ); } //build a tree "tableName" => $value, "aFields" => $fields, "aIndexes" => $indexes, 'aStatus' => $statuss ); } } /** * I describe a table * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the table * @return [json] */ public function describeTable( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { { 'Field' => $row [ 'Field' ], 'Type' => $row [ 'Type' ], 'Null' => $row [ 'Null' ], 'Default' => $row [ 'Default' ], 'Extra' => $row [ 'Extra' ], 'Key' => $row [ 'Key' ] ); } } /** * I get user information * * @param [string] $username the users name * @return [json] */ public function getUserInfo( $username ) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM mysql.user_info WHERE User = '$username'"; //return $this->_queryToJSON($sql); { "User" => $row [ 'User' ], /*"Fullname" => $row[ 'Fullname' ],*/ "Description" => $row [ 'Description' ], "Icon" => base64_encode ( $row [ 'Icon' ] ), "Email" => $row [ 'Email' ], "Info" => $row [ 'Contact_information' ] ); } } /** * I get all open tables for a database * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database name * @return [json] */ public function getOpenTables( $whatDatabase ) { $sql = "SHOW OPEN TABLES FROM $whatDatabase"; return $this->_queryToJSON ( $sql ); } /** * I get a count of rows from the table * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the table * @return [json] */ public function getTableRows( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { return $this->_queryToJSON ( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $whatDatabase.$whatTable" ); } /* ******************************************************************** * ******************************************************************** * * 2. PRIVATE DATABASE/TABLE METHODS * * Below is all the private methods that build up the database * and table tree with information about each item. * * Example: * * DatabaseName/ * TableName/ * FieldName/ * * ******************************************************************** * ******************************************************************** /** * I get all tables for a database * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @return [array] */ public function _getTables( $whatDatabase ) { //table query //create a new array of tables //loop all the results { //for each table in the result make an array foreach ( $table as $t_key => $t_value ) { //get the tables fields for each table $fields = $this->_describeTable ( $whatDatabase, $t_value ); //now get the primary key for each table $primaryKey = $this->_getTableKey ( $whatDatabase, $t_value ); //now get the status for that table $statuss = $this->_getSingleTableStatus ( $whatDatabase, $t_value ); //now get the indexes for each table $indexes = $this->_getTableIndexes ( $whatDatabase, $t_value ); } "aTable" => $t_value, "aKey" => $primaryKey, "aType" => "table", "aIcon" => "tableIcon", "aData" => $t_key, "aFields" => $fields, "aStatus" => $statuss, "aIndexes" => $indexes ); } //sort ( $tables ); return $tables; } /** * I describe a table for the getDatabasesAndTables() method * * @param [string] $database the database * @param [string] $table the table * @return [array] */ public function _describeTable( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { return $this->_queryToARRAY ( "SHOW FIELDS FROM $whatDatabase.$whatTable" ); } public function _getTableIndexes( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { return $this->_queryToARRAY ( "SHOW INDEX FROM $whatDatabase.$whatTable" ); } /** * I get the table status for a table only when called from getDatabases() * * @param [string] $whatDatabase * @return [array] */ public function _getTableStatus( $whatDatabase ) { return $this->_queryToARRAY ( "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM $whatDatabase" ); } public function _getSingleTableStatus( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { return $this->_queryToARRAY ( "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM $whatDatabase LIKE '$whatTable'" ); } /** * I get tables and fields * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @return [array] */ private function _getTableAndFields( $whatDatabase ) { //get the table name from the result { $tables [] = $tableInfo [ 0 ]; //loop threw every table inside of the tables array foreach ( $tables as $table ) { //for each table, get the fields info for that table $fields = $this->_showFieldInfo ( $whatDatabase, $table ); } 'aTable' => $table, 'aType' => 'table', 'aFields' => $fields ); } 'aDatabase' => $whatDatabase, 'aType' => 'database', 'aTables' => $tableInfoAndFields ); //return $fields; //return $databaseInfoAndTables; } private function _getDatabasesTablesAndFields() { //get the table name from the result { $databases [] = $databaseInfo [ 0 ]; //loop threw every table inside of the tables array foreach ( $databases as $database ) { $tables = $this->_showTableInfo ( $database ); //for each table, get the fields info for that table foreach ( $tables as $table ) { $fields = $this->_showFieldInfo ( $database, $table ); } } 'aTable' => $table, 'aFields' => $fields ); } //return $fields; //return $tables; } /** * I get information about the table. * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @return [array] */ private function _showTableInfo( $whatDatabase ) { $tableInfoSql = "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM $whatDatabase"; { $tableInfo [] = $tables; } return $tableInfo; } /** * I get the fields for a table * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the table * @return [array] */ private function _showFieldInfo( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { $fieldInfoSql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM $whatDatabase.$whatTable"; $result = $this->mysqli->query ( $fieldInfoSql ); { $fieldInfo [] = $fields; } return $fieldInfo; } /** * I get the key for the table. * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the table * @return [string] */ public function _getTableKey( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { $indexInfoSql = "SHOW INDEX FROM $whatDatabase.$whatTable"; $result = $this->mysqli->query ( $indexInfoSql ); { if ( $indexes [ 'Key_name' ] == 'PRIMARY' ) { $index = $indexes [ 'Column_name' ]; } } return $index; } /** * I get the size of all databases in the database * * @return [json] */ public function getDatabaseSpace() { $sql = 'SELECT table_schema "Database", sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024 / 1024 "TotalSize", sum( data_length ) / 1024 / 1024 "DataSize", sum( index_length ) / 1024 / 1024 "IndexSize", sum( data_free ) / 1024 / 1024 "FreeSize" FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema'; return $this->_queryToJSON ( $sql ); } /** * I get the database size for all tables * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database name */ public function _getDatabaseSize( $whatDatabase ) { $totalSize = 0; $dataSize = 0; $indexSize = 0; //loop all the results { $dataSize += $size [ 'Data_length' ]; $indexSize += $size [ 'Index_length' ]; } $totalSize = $dataSize + $indexSize; 'totalSize' => $totalSize, 'dataSize' => $dataSize, 'indexSize' => $indexSize ); return $sizeArray; } /* ******************************************************************** * ******************************************************************** * * 3. QUERY BUILDER/CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE METHODS * * Below is all the methods for building insert queries, creating * databases, creating tables, creating users, removing data, * inserting data, and updating data. * Also there is methods for altering databases, and tables. * * ******************************************************************** * *********************************************************************/ /** * I create a database * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the name of the database * @return [string] the result outcome */ public function createDatabase( $whatDatabase ) { //CREATE DATABASE `tutorial_library` //DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci; $sql = "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS $whatDatabase CHARACTER SET utf8"; if ( ! $result ) { return 'There was an error creating the database.'; } return 'Database created!'; } /** * I create a table * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the name of the new table * @return [string] the result */ public function createTable( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { /** * CREATE TABLE `books` ( id int ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1; * */ $sql = "CREATE TABLE $whatDatabase.$whatTable ( id int ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1"; if ( ! $result ) { return false; } return true; } /** * I alter a database table * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the name of the new table * @param [string] $whatQuery a query array of what to change * @return [string] the result */ public function alterTable( $whatDatabase, $whatTable, $whatQuery ) { /** * ALTER TABLE `cars` ADD `engine` varchar(225) DEFAULT NULL ; */ $sql = "ALTER TABLE $whatDatabase.$whatTable ADD $whatQuery"; if ( ! $result ) { return false; } return true; } /** * I remove a table * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the table * @return [string] the result */ public function removeTable( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { /** * DROP TABLE `library`; */ $sql = "DROP TABLE $whatDatabase.$whatTable"; if ( ! $result ) { return false; } return true; } /** * I rename a table * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the table * @param [string] $newName the new name * @return [string] the result */ public function renameTable( $whatDatabase, $whatTable, $newName ) { /** * RENAME TABLE test.books TO test.the_books */ $sql = "RENAME TABLE $whatDatabase.$whatTable TO $newName"; if ( ! $result ) { return false; } return true; } /** * I insert data into the database * * * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the table * @param [array] $whatQuery Array of Key/Value pairs for inserting in the database * @return [string] the result */ public function insertRecord( $jsonQuery ) { return $this->jquery->buildQuery ( $jsonQuery, 'INSERT', true ); //$queryArray[] = $this->jquery->buildQuery ( $jsonQuery, 'INSERT', false ); } /** * I update data from the database * UPDATE db.tbl SET name='value' * * * @param [string] $jsonQuery Array of Key/Value pairs for updating the database * @return [string] the result */ public function updateRecord( $jsonQuery ) { return $this->jquery->buildQuery ( $jsonQuery, 'UPDATE', true ); } /** * I remove data from the database * * @param [array] $jsonQuery the value to which remove by * @return [string] the result */ public function removeRecord( $jsonQuery ) { return $this->jquery->buildQuery ( $jsonQuery, 'DELETE', true ); } /* ******************************************************************** * ******************************************************************** * * 4. ANALYZE/CHECK/OPTIMIZE/REPAIR METHODS * * Below is all the methods analyzing, checking, optimizing and repairing * database tables. * * ******************************************************************** * *********************************************************************/ /** * I analyze a table * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the table * @return [json] */ public function analyzeTable( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { $sql = "ANALYZE TABLE $whatDatabase.$whatTable"; return $this->_queryToJSON ( $sql ); } /** * I check a table * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the table * @return [json] */ public function checkTable( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { $sql = "CHECK TABLE $whatDatabase.$whatTable"; return $this->_queryToJSON ( $sql ); } /** * I optimize a table * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the table * @return [json] */ public function optimizeTable( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { $sql = "OPTIMIZE TABLE $whatDatabase.$whatTable"; return $this->_queryToJSON ( $sql ); } /** * I repair a table * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the table * @return [json] */ public function repairTable( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { $sql = "REPAIR TABLE $whatDatabase.$whatTable"; return $this->_queryToJSON ( $sql ); } /** * I analyze a query are return the statistics * * @param [string] $sql query string * @return [json] json results */ public function analyzeQuery( $sql ) { $setProfileSQL = $this->mysqli->query ( 'SET profiling = 1' ); $analyzeSQL = $this->mysqli->query ( $sql ); $showProfileSQL = $this->mysqli->query ( 'SHOW PROFILE' ); $showProfilesSQL = $this->mysqli->query ( 'SHOW PROFILES' ); /* fetch associative array */ while ( $row1 = $analyzeSQL->fetch_assoc () ) { $resultArray [] = $row1; } /* fetch associative array */ while ( $row2 = $showProfileSQL->fetch_assoc () ) { $profileArray [] = $row2; } /* fetch associative array */ while ( $row3 = $showProfilesSQL->fetch_assoc () ) { $profilesArray [] = $row3; } 'aProfile' => $profileArray, 'aProfiles' => $profilesArray, 'aResults' => $resultArray ); //$analyzedQuery[] = array( $profileArray, $profilesArray, $resultArray ); /* Free all of the results */ $analyzeSQL->close (); $showProfileSQL->close (); $showProfilesSQL->close (); /* close connection */ //$this->mysqli->close (); //return $analyzedQuery; } /* ******************************************************************** * ******************************************************************** * * 5. BACKUP/IMPORT/EXPORT METHODS * * Below is all the methods for backing up the database, importing data, * exporting data. * * ******************************************************************** * *********************************************************************/ /** * I execute a query and return XML * * @param [string] $query the query * @return [xml] */ public function queryResultToXML( $query ) { $xmlResult = '<?xml version="1.0"?>'; /* Set the content type for the browser */ //table query $xmlResult .= "<results>"; //loop all the results { $xmlResult .= "<result>"; //for each table in the result make an array foreach ( $rows as $key => $value ) { } $xmlResult .= "</result>"; } $xmlResult .= "</results>"; return $xmlResult; } /** * I execute a query and return JSON * * @param [string] $query the query * @return [json] */ private function queryResultToJSON( $query ) { return $this->_queryToJSON ( $query ); } /** * I execute a query and return json * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the table * @return [json] */ public function exportToJSON( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { $sql = "SELECRT * FROM $whatDatabase.$whatTable"; return $this->_queryToJSON ( $sql ); } /** * I export data from the database * * @param [string] $whatDatabase * @param [string] $whatTable * @param [string all, db_structure, db_data, tbl_structure, tbl_data ] $whatMode * @return [string] the filename of the file. */ public function createBackup( $whatDatabase, $whatTable, $whatMode ) { $result = ''; $filename = $whatDatabase . '-' . $whatTable . '-' . $whatMode . '-' . $this->makeTimestamp () . '.sql'; //$dbDir = mkdir( "backups/".$whatDatabase ); //Set the database, filename, and we don't want to use compression. $dumper = new MySQLDump ( $whatDatabase, "../backups/" . $filename, false ); $mode = $whatMode; //Switch based on what mode is specified switch ( $mode ) { case 'all' : $dumper->doDump (); $result = 'Dumping all data'; return true; break; case 'db_structure' : $dumper->getDatabaseStructure (); $result = 'Database structure backed up successfully.'; 'mode' => $mode, 'result' => $result, 'filename' => $filename ); return $resultArray; break; case 'db_data' : $dumper->getDatabaseData ( false ); $result = 'Database data backed up successfully.'; 'mode' => $mode, 'result' => $result, 'filename' => $filename ); return $resultArray; break; case 'tbl_structure' : $dumper->getTableStructure ( $whatTable ); $result = 'Table structure backed up successfully.'; 'mode' => $mode, 'result' => $result, 'filename' => $filename ); return $resultArray; break; case 'tbl_data' : $dumper->getTableData ( $whatTable, false ); $result = 'Table data backed up successfully.'; 'mode' => $mode, 'result' => $result, 'filename' => $filename ); return $resultArray; break; default : $result = 'Please specify a mode.'; 'mode' => $mode, 'result' => $result, 'filename' => $filename ); return $resultArray; break; } return $result; } /** * I get a list of all the backups in the backup folder * * @return [json] */ public function getDatabaseBackups() { return $this->fileSvc->browseDirectory ( './backups', 'json' ); } public function removeBackup( $whatDatabase, $whatFile ) { return $this->fileSvc->removeFile ( './backups', $whatFile ); } /* ******************************************************************** * ******************************************************************** * * 6. SERVER VARIABLES * * Below is all the methods that build up information about the server * and system. * * * ******************************************************************** * ********************************************************************/ /** * I kill a thread that is connected or running * * @param [int] $whatThread the id of the thread * @return [boolean] true or false */ public function killProcess( $whatThread ) { $sql = "KILL $whatThread"; $message = ''; { 'message' => true, 'thread' => $whatThread ); } else { 'message' => false, 'thread' => $whatThread ); } } /** * I show all mysql system variables * * @return [json] */ public function showSystemVariables() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES" ); } /** * I show all system privileges * * @return [json] */ public function showSystemPrivileges() { return $this->_queryToJSON ( "SHOW PRIVILEGES" ); } /** * I show the system status * * @return [json] */ public function showSystemStatus() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS" ); } /** * I show system processes * * @return [json] */ public function showSystemProcess() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST" ); } /** * I show all of the systems users * * @return [json] */ public function showSystemUsers() { return $this->_queryToJSON ( "SELECT * FROM mysql.user" ); } /** * I get server info * * @return [json] */ public function _getServerInfo() { $aPath = $_SERVER [ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ]; 'aServerSoftware' => $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ], 'aServerName' => $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_NAME' ], 'aPHPVersion' => PHP_VERSION, 'aPHPOs' => PHP_OS, 'aPHPExtensionDir' => PHP_EXTENSION_DIR, 'aUptime' => $this->_getUptime () ); } /** * I get all of the threads * * @return [json] */ public function _getThreads() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '%Threads%'" ); } /** * I get the temp size * * @return [json] */ public function _getTemp() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '%tmp%'" ); } /** * I get open tables * * @return [json] */ public function _getOpen() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '%Open%'" ); } /** * I get the handlers variables * * @return [json] */ public function _getHandlers() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '%Handler%'" ); } /** * I get the server uptime * * @return [array] */ public function _getUptime() { $array = $this->_formatUptime ( $row [ 1 ] ); return $array; } private function _getUnixTimestamp( $unix ) { return $this->_queryToARRAY ( "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - $unix" ); } /** * I get the recent queries * * @return [json] */ public function _getQuestions() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Questions%'" ); } /** * I get the query cache * * @return [json] */ public function _getQcache() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '%Qcache%'" ); } /** * I get InnoDB * * @return [json] */ public function _getInnoDb() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '%Innodb%'" ); } /** * I get the key cache * * @return [json] */ public function _getKeys() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '%Key%'" ); } /** * I get the performance of mysql. * * @return [json] */ public function _getPerformance() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '%Slow%'" ); } /** * I get all the sort * * @return [json] */ public function _getSort() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '%Sort%'" ); } /** * I get the connections * * @return [json] */ public function _getConnections() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '%Connections%'" ); } /** * I get the aborted clients and connections * * @return unknown */ public function _getClients() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '%Aborted%'" ); } /** * I get mysql bytes * * @return [json] */ public function _getBytes() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '%Bytes%'" ); } /** * I get all the slave hosts * * @return [json] */ public function _getReplication() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '%Slave%'" ); } /** * I get the commands * * @return [json] */ public function _getCommands() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '%Com%'" ); } /** * I show all of the SHOW commands * * @return [json] */ public function _getShowCommands() { return $this->_queryStatusToJSON ( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '%Com_show%'" ); } /** * I get the stats of the mysql connection * * @return [array] */ public function _getStat() { return $newStats; } /* ******************************************************************** * ******************************************************************** * * 7. POLLING METHODS * * Below is all the methods for executing a query on the database, * and getting all records from the database. * * ******************************************************************** * ********************************************************************/ /** * I get the health of a mysql server * * @return [array] of results */ public function _getHealth() { $query = $this->mysqli->query ( "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE '%Key_%'" ); { $row [ 'Variable_name' ] => $row [ 'Value' ] ); } return $array; } /** * I am a polling method for checking the current select statements. * @example Results * <code> * [ * { * "Threads_cached":"0", * "aTimestamp":"2009-02-20T21:52:34-08:00" * }, * { * "Threads_connected":"1", * "aTimestamp":"2009-02-20T21:52:34-08:00" * }, * { * "Threads_created":"2070", * "aTimestamp":"2009-02-20T21:52:34-08:00" * }, * { * "Threads_running":"1", * "aTimestamp":"2009-02-20T21:52:34-08:00" * } * ] *</code> * @return [json] encoded results */ public function pollQueries() { { $row [ 0 ] => $row [ 1 ], 'aTimestamp' => $timestamp ); } } /** * I am a polling method for checking the current bytes sent. * @example Results * <code> * [ * { * "Bytes_sent":"48438", * "aTimestamp":"2009-02-20T21:52:34-08:00" * } * ] *</code> * @return [json] encoded results */ public function pollTraffic() { { $row [ 0 ] => $row [ 1 ], 'aTimestamp' => $timestamp ); } } /** * I am a polling method for checking the current connections. * @example Results * <code> * [ * { * "Com_select":"97", * "aTimestamp":"2009-02-20T21:52:34-08:00" * } * ] *</code> * * @return [json] encoded results */ public function pollConnections() { ); { $row [ 0 ] => $row [ 1 ] ); } //$a[] = array_merge( $timestamp, $array ); //return $a; } /* ******************************************************************** * ******************************************************************** * * 8. DATA METHODS * * Below is all the methods for executing a query on the database, * and getting all records from the database. * * ******************************************************************** * ********************************************************************/ /** * I get all the table data * * @param [string] $whatDatabase the database * @param [string] $whatTable the table * @return [json] */ public function getTableData( $whatDatabase, $whatTable ) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM $whatDatabase.$whatTable"; return $this->_queryToJSON ( $sql ); } /** * I execute a query * * @param [string] $query the query to execute * @return [json] */ public function executeQuery( $sql ) { return $this->_queryToJSON ( $query ); } /* ******************************************************************** * ******************************************************************** * * 9. RESULT HANDLERS * * ******************************************************************** * ********************************************************************/ /** * I execute a query and return the results as json. * * @param [string] $sql the query to be executed * @return [json] the result in json */ private function _queryToJSON( $sql ) { { $array [] = $row; } } /** * I execute a query and return the result as an array. * * @param [string] $sql the query to be executed * @return [array] the result array */ private function _queryToARRAY( $sql ) { { $array [] = $row; } return $array; } /** * I get the query status * * @param [string] $sql * @return [json] mysql status with the ('_') striped out */ private function _queryStatusToJSON( $sql ) { { //replace some of the names //take out the _ of the rows $array [] = $row; } } /* ******************************************************************** * ******************************************************************** * * 10. UTILITY METHODS * * Below is all the utility methods for handling the results from a query * and dumping variables or creating timestamps * * * ******************************************************************** * ********************************************************************/ /** * I ping mysql for a connection * * @return true or false */ public function ping() { $msg = ''; /* check if server is alive */ if ( $this->mysqli->ping () ) { $msg = true; } else { $msg = false; } return $msg; } /** * I get help from the mysql database * * @return [json] */ public function getHelp() { $sql = 'SELECT help_keyword.name, help_topic.name, help_topic.description, help_category.name AS AVG_help_category_name, help_category.url, help_topic.example, help_topic.url FROM mysql.help_keyword INNER JOIN mysql.help_relation ON help_keyword.help_keyword_id = help_relation.help_keyword_id INNER JOIN mysql.help_topic ON help_topic.help_topic_id = help_relation.help_topic_id INNER JOIN mysql.help_category ON help_topic.help_category_id = help_category.help_category_id'; return $this->_queryToJSON ( $sql ); } /** * I format debug dumps * * @param [var] the variable you with to dump */ public function dumpIt( $var ) { print "<pre>n"; print "</pre>n"; } /** * I make a formatted timestamp. * <code> * 2008-12-30 22:40:00 * </code> * * @return [string] a timestamp */ private function makeTimestamp() { } /** * I format uptime from MySQL * * @param [int] $time the old time * @return [string] the new time */ private function _formatUptime( $time = 0 ) { if ( $days == 1 ) { $uptime = "$days day, "; } else if ( $days > 1 ) { $uptime = "$days days, "; } if ( $hours == 1 ) { $uptime .= "$hours hour"; } else if ( $hours > 1 ) { $uptime .= "$hours hours"; } if ( $uptime && $minutes > 0 && $seconds > 0 ) { $uptime .= ", "; } else if ( $uptime && $minutes > 0 & $seconds == 0 ) { $uptime .= " and "; } ( $minutes > 0 ) ? $uptime .= "$minutes minute" . ( ( $minutes > 1 ) ? "s" : NULL ) : NULL; return $uptime; } /** * I try and throw an error. * * @param [string] $msg the message of the mess * @param [string] $type the type of error * @return error */ private function _throwError( $msg, $type ) { switch ( $type ) { case 'user' : throw ErrorException (); break; case 'error' : break; case 'other' : break; } } } ?>