Member since 04/07/2017

Name: Patrick Ewalt

Location: San Diego, CA

Website: https://twitch.tv/spikeypup1

##Call \\\'Quick Bio Routine\\\'##\\r\\n10 set\\\"me\\\"= gamer\\r\\n20 recall_history = divmul(IT,Sales[var,VP(Executive)])substitute=\\\'dyingCIO\\\'\\r\\n30 initialize(tearducts=set_cry_mode,1[feature_enrage,enable])\\r\\n40 callfunc(LOL@thismashupofcode)set-lol-entropy=superhigh\\r\\n50 Goto 10\\r\\n40 How did you get here??? Sneaky! CLS & Echo OFF! =P\\r\\n\\r\\n## Seriously ##\\r\\nI listed my languages in order of my strength, and let\\\'s just say strength starts at around 65% starting with \\\"Other\\\" down to Apache. lol. OK I just noticed that SNIPPLR didn\'t save my edits to the languages, and I\'m tired so I shall update later, but you\'re not missing out they\'re either old, obscure, or both lol. But hey, I\\\'m working on it. Recently got back into scripting and code as I\\\'m writing some things for Foobar to make myself the ultimate UI, lol well ultimate to me anyway.\\r\\n\\r\\n##Aspirations##\\r\\nI hope that you find anything I post useful and I\\\'m always open to some help, just don\\\'t be a webjerk, webjerks make my fingers cry. So don\\\'t be one. I\\\'m going to try to do a snippet a week at least for what I shall call \\\"FooJour\\\" I\\\'d do daily so it\\\'d be more coincidental with \\\"Dujour\\\" but I\\\'m lazy and don\\\'t have that many ideas...

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