Revision: 66522
Initial Code
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at May 19, 2014 16:22 by alces
Initial Code
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.* import javax.xml.bind.JAXB @XmlRootElement @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) // without this annotation you'll see IllegalAnnotationException when try to marshall public class Band { private String name private int establishedYear Band() {} // no-argument constaructor is required for POGO Band(String n, int e) { name = n establishedYear = e } String toString() { "$name founded in $establishedYear" } } f = new File('pogo.xml') // let's save JAXB.marshal(new Band('The Little Willies', 2003), f) // and then load assert JAXB.unmarshal(f, Band.class).establishedYear == 2003
Initial URL
Initial Description
Example of JAXB-annotated POGO, marshalled and unmarshalled via static methods of JAXB object.
Initial Title
Groovy object's marshalling/unmarshalling via JAXB
Initial Tags
xml, groovy
Initial Language