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Revision: 47621
at July 15, 2011 12:58 by StrawMan

Updated Code
//Remove every second comma only and replace with spaces and double colon.
function remComma(str) {
     return str = str.replace(/(,[^,]*),/g, '$1 :: ');
//Remove all commas outside of html markup only.
function remAllComma(str) {
     return str = str.replace(/,(?!([^<]+)?>)/g, '');
//Remove all commas, everywhere.
function remTotalComma(str) {
     return str = str.replace(/,/g, '');
//Discard all square brackets from string.
function remSquareBrackets(str) {
    return str = str.replace(/\[|\]/g, '');

Revision: 47620
at June 11, 2011 13:16 by StrawMan

Initial Code
//Remove every second comma only and replace with spaces and double colon.
function remComma(str) {
     return str = str.replace(/(,[^,]*),/g, '$1 :: ');
//Remove all commas outside of html markup only.
function remAllComma(str) {
     return str = str.replace(/,(?!([^<]+)?>)/g, '');
//Remove all commas, everywhere.
function remTotalComma(str) {
     return str = str.replace(/,/g, '');

Initial URL


Initial Description


Initial Title
String Manipulation - Regex Collection

Initial Tags


Initial Language