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Revision: 14630
at June 8, 2009 07:27 by davebowker

Initial Code
$('.ukn-visual-gridsnapr-widget').before('<ul class="ukn-visual-gridsnapr-widget-nav">').cycle({ 
		fx:     'turnDown', 
		speed:  'fast', 
		timeout: 0, 
		pager:  '.ukn-visual-gridsnapr-widget-nav',
		// callback fn that creates a thumbnail to use as pager anchor 
		pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide){
			var src = $('img', slide).attr('src');
			return '<li><a href="#"><img src="' + src + '" width="60" height="60" /></a></li>';

Initial URL

Initial Description
Version differs slightly from the demo, as the src for the thumbnail image is a child of the demo example, so has been slightly modified.

Initial Title
jQUery Cycle Plugin - Advanced Pager

Initial Tags
javascript, jquery

Initial Language