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Revision: 9917
at November 30, 2008 06:19 by davidsword

Updated Code
$button = "";
$status = "status.png";
copy($button, $status);
//online = 428  offline = 376
if (filesize($status) > 400) {
} else {

Revision: 9916
at November 30, 2008 04:28 by davidsword

Updated Code
$button = "";
$status = "status.png";
copy($button, $status);
//online = 428  offline = 376
if (filesize($status) > 400) {
	echo "online";
} else {
	echo "offline";

Revision: 9915
at November 30, 2008 04:26 by davidsword

Initial Code
$file = '';
$newfile = 'status.png';
copy($file, $newfile);
//online = 428  offline = 376
if (filesize($newfile) > 400) {
	echo "online";
} else {
	echo "offline";

Initial URL

Initial Description
Checks the size of skypes online "status buttons" to determine online/offline status, so you're able to use custom buttons, text.. etc, etc

Initial Title
Custom Skype online/offline status

Initial Tags

Initial Language