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A quick and easy function to convert seconds into easily readable time. (90 seconds = 01:30)
1 871 posted 14 years ago by cessnajumpin
Ever have to make a swf that needs to change height? Want to use the browser's scrollbar instead of having to create one in flash?
0 621 posted 14 years ago by cessnajumpin
As of revision 11031 of the Flex 4 SDK compression is supported inline with the embed metadata tag.
0 566 posted 14 years ago by aphex
Allows easy usage of Fonts and TextField/TextFormat creation.
1 774 posted 14 years ago by edwardhotchkiss
Based on the following references: http://not-equal.blogspot.com/2006/08/upload-file-as3-php.html http://www.thedanosphere.com/?p=76 I created a simple file manager class that I will be extending in the near future for an AIR App I...
0 938 posted 14 years ago by alvincrespo
This is a dynamic label generator for a project I'm working on. (Source files coming soon)
0 722 posted 14 years ago by alvincrespo
Check the URL to see image examples
1 769 posted 14 years ago by Flanture
Notes to self: re-use this for other projects
0 1363 posted 14 years ago by abbey
This is a sound manager class for a small project I've been working on for the past two days. Nothing really major or new, but just some simple functionality including play/stop/forward/previous functions that may help prove useful to someone. If you...
1 925 posted 14 years ago by alvincrespo
Load swfobject from google & embed dynamically
2 831 posted 14 years ago by jcprovideo
Spotlight Navigation effect using AS3 and Tweenlite Demo: http://www.adamcoulombe.info/lab/as3/spots_test.html FLA: http://www.adamcoulombe.info/lab/as3/spots_test.fla
2 1111 posted 14 years ago by adamcoulombe
This is a snippet that will animate in a circle in a clockwise fashion based on the parameters the function is passed. It can be used to create a circular or clock wipe when used as a mask.
2 1023 posted 15 years ago by sottenad
Get a random Number in AS3
1 924 posted 15 years ago by petrafull
This is a sample application to demonstrate how to create and modify remote shared objects in a flex client application
0 751 posted 15 years ago by mprabhuram
On a new layer, add the following Actionscript to the frame requiring to be paused. 1000 represents the delay in milliseconds, being 1 second.
0 1122 posted 15 years ago by hotdiggity