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This example will CURL a forum and echo it's contents using SSL support.
0 866 posted 8 years ago by Davis34
Using cURL to get webpage DOM
0 711 posted 9 years ago by mos666
This source code contains two files: 1) result.php is a php webpage which expects a post request and renders some static results 2) mycurl.php uses curl to post programmatically some data to the result.php and after rendering the result is being re...
1 1320 posted 9 years ago by pligor
<a href="http://pantuts.com/2013/10/24/ayeemtract-using-curl-parallel/">http://pantuts.com/2013/10/24/ayeemtract-using-curl-parallel/</a>
1 1576 posted 11 years ago by pantuts
Script File launched every 3 minutes to check WebSite status. It uses AWSSDKforPHP library http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSSdkDocsPHP/latest/DeveloperGuide/php-dg-setup.html
0 841 posted 11 years ago by cduquev
A handy function to get the contents of a file with curl. Accepts $_path as a parameter.
1 1139 posted 12 years ago by o0110o
This function will use curl to see if a file exists at the location it's provided. It accepts $_path as a parameter.
1 1319 posted 12 years ago by o0110o
A function to get a files size via curl. Accepts $_path, $_unit, $_float, $_username & $_password; In the listed order.
1 1304 posted 12 years ago by o0110o
This is a function to retrieve the mime-type of a file by checking the header response with curl. It accepts the file-path as a parameter & it also has a fallback for empty returns.
1 1652 posted 12 years ago by o0110o
This example will go get the latest version of wordpress and save it as "wordpress-latest.tar.gz" in the current directory. Note, don't include the protocal (http://) in the url.
0 813 posted 12 years ago by beneberle
0 823 posted 13 years ago by arpit
0 1813 posted 13 years ago by focal55
0 1134 posted 13 years ago by sybrex
0 834 posted 13 years ago by rccc
Der folgende Aufruf führt einen PUTrequest durch und zeigt (nur!!) den antwort-header an. Damit es funktioniert muss in app/controllers/application_controller.rb die zeile protect_from_forgery auskommentiert werden.
0 664 posted 13 years ago by abstraktor
Simply define your POSTURL and POSTVARS in name = value string format. It will post the form.
0 958 posted 13 years ago by kumar_sekhar
11 1511 posted 13 years ago by frederichoule
A LESS class which can be included to easily allow for a page-curl/shadow on element. *NOTE: Still needs work to allow for consistency at various sizes...* **Usage Instructions** * To remove reliance on javascript, setup the LESS compiler:...
6 892 posted 13 years ago by bdiddymc
This script fetches the current playing song of user XY
1 817 posted 13 years ago by Sn0opy
1 953 posted 14 years ago by fackz
0 1175 posted 14 years ago by wnasich
Since the 31 of august 2010, twitter made its API more secure, stopping basic authentication calls. So, if you used basic authentication you have to change your code and implement oAuth authentication model or you can follow this link and found a mi...
1 1506 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
If you need to add some content to your pages without having that content in your database you can use Wikipedia API. You can, for example, need to add automatically a simple description to a city name, or to a band name. Or you could need to add the...
1 930 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
0 1269 posted 14 years ago by ksaver
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