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Everyone's Recent PHP Snippets Tagged mysql

Simple way to escape string for LIKE statements, useful for searches.
3 747 posted 15 years ago by robv
1 848 posted 15 years ago by apro2000
Export entire database schema to local xml file.
1 859 posted 15 years ago by jonniespratley
2 909 posted 15 years ago by iTony
Database backup function that you can call whenever you want — including nightly CRONs.
6 1088 posted 15 years ago by fackz
0 756 posted 15 years ago by jonniespratley
I am currently still working on this, and will make changes.
1 931 posted 15 years ago by jonniespratley
I needed to have a cron job that did some MySQL work iterating through a long list of items based on the content of a table in MySQL. I wanted each item in the table to be iterated over roughly once every 5 minutes, but building up the in-memory lis...
0 716 posted 15 years ago by cori
0 747 posted 15 years ago by stavelin
# Export MySQL Data as CSV This code takes a `mysql_query()` resource and outputs its rows into CSV spreadsheet format. Edit the `header('Content-Disposition...` declaration to tell the user's browser to either display the data as plain text or do...
6 1018 posted 15 years ago by mikegreen
1 829 posted 15 years ago by iTony
Simple but useful function for getting a single piece of data from a database and placing it straight into a variable. Example: $variable = one_result("SELECT columnOne FROM table WHERE columnTwo=whatever"); This would insert the value of colu...
1 626 posted 15 years ago by iridium
Quick little snippet for changing the ordering of a field in a MYSQL database.
1 1030 posted 15 years ago by Zync
This will create a list grouped by the sorted field, which is an inner join on a category field.
0 659 posted 16 years ago by fostersolutions
2 757 posted 16 years ago by czapata
0 714 posted 16 years ago by iTony
Here is a working example on how to sort data in a grid.
1 899 posted 16 years ago by assaado
1 658 posted 16 years ago by assaado
make a query and retrieve the first record, if error occurs show it and the query.
0 605 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
retrieve only one value from the query
0 728 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
0 789 posted 16 years ago by sebus
1 987 posted 16 years ago by ghwilson4456
Replace all mysql_query() calls in your project to debug_mysql_query() to see all mysql queries in Firebug console.
1 1053 posted 16 years ago by stancell
3 858 posted 16 years ago by antpaw
Simplified form to extract data through MySQL
0 655 posted 16 years ago by LondonWeb
1 625 posted 16 years ago by LondonWeb
14 1169 posted 16 years ago by iTony
3 915 posted 16 years ago by benphelps
Been wanting to made one of these for a while and finally I got round to it. For some examples please visit the post: http://www.dom111.co.uk/blog/coding/db/8 Any comments suggestions appreciated. CreativeCommons ShareAlike
3 1594 posted 16 years ago by dom111