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change the button text on wrong answer
0 1022 posted 8 years ago by envane21
Sometimes you have some information on your page and your visitors might want to copy it. The easiest way is to provide a mechanism that allows them to simply click a button to do so. You have to paste this code into the head of your web page:
0 999 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
cross-browser way to select all text in a form element, via Jason on Stack Overflow
0 747 posted 12 years ago by charliefmoran
Escribir vertical
0 575 posted 12 years ago by rickyslow
Use whatever is needed to select the input box. $('#searchBoxOuter td.ms-sbcell input') reflects some custom master page html I have so I used that.
0 1324 posted 13 years ago by rumremix
0 859 posted 13 years ago by cfergus
0 911 posted 13 years ago by kashif21
This is probably the first vertical JavaScript text ticker that sues tilted letters. Works with Internet Explorer 6x/7x/8x/9x, Firefox 3.6x, Opera 10.5x and Google Chrome 4x/5x/6x. Older Browsers show no ticker.
0 831 posted 13 years ago by fabulant
This will extend jquery to have a :Contains selector that is case insensitive, the :contains selector remains unchanged.
0 783 posted 14 years ago by magicrebirth
This plugin allows you to collapse the inner text so that it adjust into specific width or container width.
1 1094 posted 14 years ago by jaff
0 1895 posted 15 years ago by powerserve
1 915 posted 15 years ago by enchance
I just noticed in Firefox 3.5.2 that setting `disabled = true` for a focused text input seems to make it impossible to re-focus after setting `disabled = false`. The solution is to blur it before disabling.
0 1278 posted 15 years ago by cyberhobo
April 1, 2009, youtube.com
1 759 posted 15 years ago by spraitas
I just put all the functions in here the validateConfPass function uses the key event and the two text fields to change the background color of the confPassword field when it does not equal the pass field
0 903 posted 15 years ago by jlvallelonga
I made this simple JavaScript to save me time. I was sick of having to thumb-bash on a tiny keypad or login to the slow Clickatell site and use their clunky interface (nothing it simpler than 2 text boxes and an OK button). You will need an HTTP A...
1 804 posted 16 years ago by mountainash
0 798 posted 16 years ago by iTony
This utility function attaches listeners to a text field or text area. It supports default text for instructional copy. The original text in the field is used as the instructional/default text. When the box gets focus, it disappears and the user can...
0 804 posted 17 years ago by elli
0 696 posted 17 years ago by jugyo
Trims leading and trailing spaces from a string value and returns the result as a new string.
1 977 posted 17 years ago by splorp
wrap the text that will become a pullquote in a span element and give it the class name "pullquote"
1 829 posted 18 years ago by designerd
Usefull Regular Expressions enhancement. Simplifies standard string operations escaping special chars. And also saves precompiled REs for a speed increase.
1 876 posted 18 years ago by cochambre
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