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this is how to automatically get short urls for your blog posts in wordpress, What you need is to decide which tinyurl service you will be using and get its api URL, for example rinyurl.com , bit,ly, tr.im, here are the api URLS for the mo...
0 913 posted 15 years ago by nerdsane
1 609 posted 15 years ago by lzyy
1 696 posted 15 years ago by fackz
TextExpander is a great Mac tool that expands special abbreviations typed anywhere in the OS into useful snippets of text. One of the AppleScript snippets included shortens a URL in the clipboard using the bit.ly URL-shortening service. You copy the...
2 2932 posted 15 years ago by Todd
Affects <A> tags for links starting with $link Example: LinkReplacer ($text, 'http://www.snipplr.com') affects to <a href="http://www.snipplr.com">Snipplr</a> and <a href="http://www.snipplr.com/blog">Snipplr Blog</a>
0 885 posted 15 years ago by kossmoss
Will return a string that has any matched URLs wrapped in `<a>` tags. Example: `"This is a link to http://foobar.com . Please visit !"` Becomes: `"This is a link to <a href='http://foobar.com'>http://foobar.com</a> . Please visit!"` Note: Op...
2 4632 posted 15 years ago by jasonseney
Here is a small function [[lobo235](http://www.netlobo.com/javascript_tooltips.html "Javascript Tool-tips")] wrote that will parse the window.location.href value and return the value for the parameter you specify. It does this using javascript's buil...
1 2076 posted 15 years ago by nelsnelson
2 695 posted 15 years ago by blubadger
Founds this via http://www.flashcomguru.com/index.cfm/2009/2/17/regexp-validate-url
1 952 posted 15 years ago by allnatural
Alternative to [http://snipplr.com/view/12616/strip-url-to-its-domain-name/](http://snipplr.com/view/12616/strip-url-to-its-domain-name/, "this snippet"), as it didn't come out clearly in the comments. Update - Edited based on gdvickery's commen...
3 1131 posted 15 years ago by duniyadnd
I just want a simple link, but it takes 8 lines of code?! I like control but they could have made a shortcut of some sort for buttons.
1 789 posted 15 years ago by ddegner
It's not the prettiest piece of code but it works for now
2 966 posted 15 years ago by ddegner
1 817 posted 15 years ago by iTony
This is a script that can parse a URL string, and return all components in a systematic way via an object. This script is very useful in places where you want to link to a page "dynamically" generated by javascript. This is usually done by adding GE...
2 1021 posted 15 years ago by jrharshath
Is.Gd is a URL-shortening service much like TinyURL. Using PHP’s cURL library, you can create shortened URLs on the fly with ease. “is.gd” is much shorter than “tinyurl.com” so if you need the URL to be as short as possible, use this method...
0 780 posted 15 years ago by nerdsane
21 4853 posted 15 years ago by garside
0 795 posted 15 years ago by leonbda
0 988 posted 15 years ago by leonbda
canonical redirect at .htaccess
0 1851 posted 15 years ago by kossmoss
Well, not the best one...
1 820 posted 15 years ago by Sn0opy
3 971 posted 15 years ago by the_coder
Split and manipulate URLs easily with this module. It has similar interface to Python's urlparse library. This is patched and modified version from Denis's orignal implementation.
1 1025 posted 16 years ago by miohtama
Gets filename from current URL
1 865 posted 16 years ago by sarfraznawaz2005
Function replaces all non-alpha-numeric chars and cleans up a text string. Should output a usable URL for almost all text.
1 1022 posted 16 years ago by DaveChild
1 1104 posted 16 years ago by Bonky
1 1035 posted 16 years ago by wizard04
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