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Call this method to set the intervals for a UISlider in Monotouch. You can remove the textbox parameter if you don't have them linked to sliders.
0 584 posted 11 years ago by negzero7
I wanted to create a borderless window, but still be able to move it. I thought it would be complicated, but just like a lot of things with WPF, things were simpler than I thought...
0 770 posted 11 years ago by wraith808
Shows an example of what a closure is. Result: Counter=1 Counter= 2
1 705 posted 11 years ago by venu1729
0 903 posted 11 years ago by roboninjapiratejesus
this program view some of OS information try it you will not lose thing.
1 644 posted 11 years ago by PalCoder
Convert Excel file (XLS) to CSV
0 2578 posted 11 years ago by engebaja
Allows quick access to boilerplate code
0 746 posted 11 years ago by box86rowh
This example is for an inline table value function with one string parameter t1 is of type YourDataContext and t2 is of type string(hence the name of the mole method)
0 1286 posted 11 years ago by kirstencris
Draw a border around the form. Add to the paint event handler.
0 1131 posted 11 years ago by thomas-h
Shows how to use WebClient class to retrieve HTML from an URL and then to use HtmlAgilityPack to parse it.
1 1430 posted 12 years ago by denakitan
this handy function gets all child tabs for the tab id you pass in, only those that are meant to appear in the menu.
0 915 posted 12 years ago by box86rowh
This will get you a quick url for a pop up on DNN
0 934 posted 12 years ago by box86rowh
Sort a file that contains integers between 1 and thousand. The output file should contain the entries like (n-times 1, followed by n-times 2 and so on): 1111222333555... But - you are not allowed to load all entries into memory at once. How to solve...
0 675 posted 12 years ago by awsomedevsigner
Basic examples on the usage of the DateTime objects.
1 928 posted 12 years ago by denakitan
Examples of use of Enum type, like how to iterate its items.
1 887 posted 12 years ago by denakitan
Utility class that abstracts the creation of a Excel spreadsheet through Interop, and helps on adding and format its contents.
1 1536 posted 12 years ago by denakitan
Basic examples on using information stored as Resources.
1 847 posted 12 years ago by denakitan
Example of the usage of Directory IO class and the parsing of strings to DateTime.
1 924 posted 12 years ago by denakitan
Snippet to illustrate how to bind a ComboBox to a Dictionary.
0 1262 posted 12 years ago by denakitan
This is another login method, a little more robust
0 972 posted 12 years ago by box86rowh
This code allows quick access to the dnn state/region listings..
0 841 posted 12 years ago by box86rowh
Just a quick down and dirty login function I use.
0 967 posted 12 years ago by box86rowh
Lambda expression to convert an array.
0 1220 posted 12 years ago by rengber
How to get users identity and principal in C#
0 1030 posted 12 years ago by toLL
Helps write data to the console screen.
1 737 posted 12 years ago by lookitstony
Quick method to validate a string is a valid IP address.
1 1014 posted 12 years ago by stephenmurby
A small snippet to parse out proxies from http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/
0 937 posted 12 years ago by icinNet
How do I prevent previously submitted form data from being reinserted into the database when the user presses the browser's Refresh button? Although it is not possible due to unique key constraint available in tables but it is unnecessary go to othe...
0 809 posted 12 years ago by satie83
Snippet to illustrate the three actions that happen in all LINQ query operations.
0 1009 posted 12 years ago by denakitan
Dynamic Add css file in header
0 935 posted 12 years ago by kzelda