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Everyone's Recent ActionScript 3 Snippets

. must be escaped using \ . It means something in regexp
0 1018 posted 15 years ago by godstroke
note t0 self - place inside class declaration with vars - include Flex SDK swc (flash CS4)
2 917 posted 15 years ago by obsessivejosh
note to self - Basic settings for clean text in as3 flash project assuming fonts are embedded.
0 706 posted 15 years ago by obsessivejosh
This is a sample application to demonstrate how to create and modify remote shared objects in a flex client application
0 798 posted 15 years ago by mprabhuram
This is an incomplete color spectrum because cos waves will not reach all the colors. For a proper graph refer to this wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_color_space
1 730 posted 15 years ago by forchid
Simplifies a button to use only one function for URL navigation.
1 664 posted 15 years ago by MacEvelly
0 791 posted 15 years ago by arpit
An ActionScript3 video player placed on the stage, configurable by FlashVars. It displays a spinning loader until the video loads. Also see http://snipplr.com/view/11606/ for another AS3 video code template Read about AS3 video in this in-depth t...
0 1049 posted 15 years ago by Winkyboy
On a new actions layer, add the following script to frames requiring to be paused. 10000 represents the delay milliseconds (10 seconds).
1 1249 posted 15 years ago by hotdiggity
1. Create button that covers the entire ad. 2. Create an instance of the button on the main timeline and name it "clickTag_bn" in the properties palette. 3. On a new layer add ActionScript to the timeline as follows:
2 958 posted 15 years ago by hotdiggity
Use this code to handle keypress/keyboard events
1 1064 posted 15 years ago by mprabhuram
pass variables from from url into flash
1 623 posted 15 years ago by spastic
Update a user's status using the Facebook Actionscript API
1 887 posted 15 years ago by gluecat
Works great for parsing links in XML documents and arrays.
0 700 posted 15 years ago by stanosmith
AS3 Apple Style Preloader
3 1003 posted 15 years ago by liuran
actionscript3 version of a more complex button action, which responds to rollover, rollout and clicking. this method uses one single 'buttonstuff' function with a 'switch' inside which causes the function to respond differently, depending on what...
1 1078 posted 15 years ago by stiobhart
this is a handy snippet to trace the info about any cuepoints actionscript encounters, embedded in a FLV [flash video]. these traces will display the name, type and time of the cuepoint - in a nicely formatted list
0 895 posted 15 years ago by stiobhart
this code loads in the necessary actionscript classes for dealing with FLV [flash video] and metadata [in this case cuepoints]. this needs to be loaded right at the beginning of your code, so flash knows how to handle cuepoints embedded in FLV [flas...
0 960 posted 15 years ago by stiobhart
basic structure of the actionscript function to listen for cuepoints embedded in a piece of FLV [flash video]. note: cuepoints need to have been embedded when the video was converted from its original format to FLV - prior to importing it into flash
0 1008 posted 15 years ago by stiobhart